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REST search interface and the idempotency of GET

In order to stick with the REST concepts, such as safe operations, idempotency, etc., how can one implement a complex search operation involving multiple parameters?

I have seen Google's implementation, and that is creative. What is an option, other than that?

The idempotent requirement is what is tripping me up, as the operation will definitely not return the same results for the same criteria, say searching for customers named "Smith" will not return the same set every time, because more "Smith" customer are added all the time. My instinct is to use GET for this, but for a true search feature, the result would not seem to be idempotent, and would need to be marked as non-cacheable due to its fluid result set.

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Pittsburgh DBA Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 20:02

Pittsburgh DBA

People also ask

Is get idempotent in REST API?

If we follow the REST principles in designing our APIs, we will have automatically idempotent REST APIs for GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE methods. Only POST APIs will not be idempotent. POST is NOT idempotent. GET , PUT , DELETE , HEAD , OPTIONS and TRACE are idempotent.

Are GET requests idempotent?

Implemented correctly, the GET , HEAD , PUT , and DELETE methods are idempotent, but not the POST method. All safe methods are also idempotent.

Which REST request is idempotent?

A PUT request is idempotent because it only updates a record. So identical requests will ultimately result in no state change except for the first call.

Why is REST put idempotent?

From a RESTful service standpoint, for an operation (or service call) to be idempotent, clients can make that same call repeatedly while producing the same result. In other words, making multiple identical requests has the same effect as making a single request.

1 Answers

To put it another way, the basics behind idempotency is that the GET operation doesn't affect the results of the operation. That is, the GET can safely be repeated with no ill side effects.

However, an idempotent request has nothing to do with the representation of the resource.

Two contrived examples:

GET /current-time

GET /current-weather/90210

As should be obvious, these resources will change over time, some resources change more rapidly than others. But the GET operation itself is not germane in affecting the actual resource.

Contrast to:

GET /next-counter

This is, obviously I hope, not an idempotent request. The request itself is changing the resource.

Also, there's nothing that says an idempotent operation has NO side effects. Clearly, many system log accesses and requests, including GETs. Therefore, when you do GET /resource, the logs will change as a result of that GET. That kind of side affect doesn't make the GET not idempotent. The fundamental premise is the affect on the resource itself.

But what about, say:

GET /logs

If the logs register every request, and the GET is returning the logs in their current state, does that mean that the GET in this case is not idempotent? Yup! Does it really matter? Nope. Not for this one edge case. Just the nature of the game.

What about:

GET /random-number

If you're using a pseudo-random number generator, most of those feed upon themselves. Starting with a seed and feeding their results back in to themselves to get the next number. So, using a GET here may not be idempotent. But is it? How do you know how the random number is generated. It could be a white noise source. And why do you care? If the resource is simply a random number, you really don't know if the operation is changing it or not.

But just because there may be exceptions to the guidelines, doesn't necessarily invalidate the concepts behind those guidelines.

Resources change, thats a simple fact of life. The representation of a resource does not have to be universal, or consistent across requests, or consistent across users. Literally, the representation of a resource is what GET delivers, and it is up to the application, using who knows what criteria to determine that representation for each request. Idempotent requests are very nice because they work well with the rest of the REST model -- things like caching and content negotiation.

Most resources don't change quickly, and relying on specific transactions, using non-idempotent verbs, offers a more predictable and consistent interface for clients. When a method is supposed to be idempotent, clients will be quite surprised when it turns out to not be the case. But in the end, its up to the application and its documented interface.

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Will Hartung Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Will Hartung