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Sleep performance




I am developing a program in c++ and I have to implement a cron. This cron should be executed every hour and every 24 hours for different reasons. My first idea was to make an independent pthread and sleep it during 1h every time. Is this correct? I mean, is really efficient to have a thread asleep more than awake? What are the inconvenients of having a thread slept?

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JoniPichoni Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 07:12


1 Answers

I would tend to prefer to have such a task running via cron/scheduler since it is to run at pre-determined intervals, as opposed to in response to some environmental event. So the program should just 'do' what ever it needs to do, and then be executed by the operating system as needed. This also makes it easy to change the frequency of execution - just change the scheduling, rather than needing to rebuild the app or expose extra configurability.

That said, if you really, really wanted to do it that way, you probably would not sleep for the whole hour; You would sleep in multiple of some smaller time frame (perhaps five minutes, or what ever seems appropriate) and have a variable keeping the 'last run' time so you know when to run again.

Sleep() calls typically won't be exceptionally accurate as far as the time the thread ends up sleeping; it depends on what other threads have tasks waiting, etc.

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Andrew Barber Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 21:03

Andrew Barber