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ffmpeg(-mt) and TBB

I just started using the latest build of ffmpeg into which ffmpeg-mt has been merged.

However, since my application uses TBB (Intel Threading Building Blocks), the ffmpeg-mt imlementation with new thread creation and synchronization does not quite fit, as it could potentially block my TBB tasks executing the decode functions. Also it would trash the cache unnecessarily.

I was looking around in pthread.c which seems to implement the interface which ffmpeg uses to enable multithreading.

My question is whether it would be possible to create a tbb.c which implements the same functions but using tbb tasks instead of explicit threads?

I am not experienced with C, but my guess is that it would not be possible to easily compile tbb (which is C++) into ffmpeg. So maybe somehow overwriting the ffmpeg function pointers during run-time would be the way to go?

I would appreciate any suggestions or comments in regards to implementing TBB into ffmpeg threading api.

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ronag Avatar asked Jan 19 '23 17:01


2 Answers

So I figured out how to do it by reading through the ffmpeg code.

Basicly all you have to do is to include the code below and use tbb_avcodec_open/tbb_avcodec_close instead of ffmpegs' avcodec_open/avcodec_close.

This will use TBB tasks to execute decoding in parallel.

 // Author Robert Nagy

#include "tbb_avcodec.h"

#include <tbb/task.h>
#include <tbb/atomic.h>

extern "C" 
    #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
    #include <libavformat/avformat.h>

int task_execute(AVCodecContext* s, std::function<int(void* arg, int arg_size, int jobnr, int threadnr)>&& func, void* arg, int* ret, int count, int size)
    tbb::atomic<int> counter;
    counter = 0;

    // Execute s->thread_count number of tasks in parallel.
    tbb::parallel_for(0, s->thread_count, 1, [&](int threadnr) 
            int jobnr = counter++;
            if(jobnr >= count)

            int r = func(arg, size, jobnr, threadnr);
            if (ret)
                ret[jobnr] = r;

    return 0;

int thread_execute(AVCodecContext* s, int (*func)(AVCodecContext *c2, void *arg2), void* arg, int* ret, int count, int size)
    return task_execute(s, [&](void* arg, int arg_size, int jobnr, int threadnr) -> int
        return func(s, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(arg) + jobnr*size);
    }, arg, ret, count, size);

int thread_execute2(AVCodecContext* s, int (*func)(AVCodecContext* c2, void* arg2, int, int), void* arg, int* ret, int count)
    return task_execute(s, [&](void* arg, int arg_size, int jobnr, int threadnr) -> int
        return func(s, arg, jobnr, threadnr);
    }, arg, ret, count, 0);

void thread_init(AVCodecContext* s)
    static const size_t MAX_THREADS = 16; // See mpegvideo.h
    static int dummy_opaque;

    s->active_thread_type = FF_THREAD_SLICE;
    s->thread_opaque      = &dummy_opaque; 
    s->execute            = thread_execute;
    s->execute2           = thread_execute2;
    s->thread_count       = MAX_THREADS; // We are using a task-scheduler, so use as many "threads/tasks" as possible.

void thread_free(AVCodecContext* s)
    s->thread_opaque = nullptr;

int tbb_avcodec_open(AVCodecContext* avctx, AVCodec* codec)
    avctx->thread_count = 1;
    if((codec->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_SLICE_THREADS) && (avctx->thread_type & FF_THREAD_SLICE))
// ff_thread_init will not be executed since thread_opaque != nullptr || thread_count == 1.
    return avcodec_open(avctx, codec); 

int tbb_avcodec_close(AVCodecContext* avctx)
    // ff_thread_free will not be executed since thread_opaque == nullptr.
    return avcodec_close(avctx); 
like image 180
ronag Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 12:01


Re-posting here my response to you at the TBB forum, for sake of whoever at SO can be interested.

Your code in the answer above looks good to me; a clever way to use TBB in a context that was designed with native threads in mind. I wonder if it can be made even more TBBish, so to say. I have some ideas which you can try if you have time and desire.

The following two items can be of interest if there is a desire/need to control the number of threads.

  • in thread_init, create a heap-allocated tbb::task_scheduler_init (TSI) object, and initialize it with as many threads as desired (not necessary MAX_THREADS). Keep the address of this object in s->thread_opaque if possible/allowed; if not, a possible solution is a global map that maps AVCodecContext* to the address of the corresponding task_scheduler_init.
  • correspondingly in thread_free, obtain and remove the TSI object.

Independently of the above, another potential change is in how to call tbb::parallel_for. Instead of using it to merely create enough threads, cannot it be used for its direct purpose, like below?

int task_execute(AVCodecContext* s,
                 std::function<int(void*, int, int, int)>&& f,
                 void* arg, int* ret, int count, int size)   
    tbb::atomic<int> counter;   
    counter = 0;   

    // Execute 'count' number of tasks in parallel.   
    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, count, 2),
                      [&](const tbb::blocked_range<int> &r)    
        int threadnr = counter++;   
        for(int jobnr=r.begin(); jobnr!=r.end(); ++jobnr)
            int r = func(arg, size, jobnr, threadnr);   
            if (ret)   
                ret[jobnr] = r;   

    return 0;   

This can perform better if count is significantly greater than thread_count, because a) more parallel slack means TBB works more efficiently (which you apparently know), and b) the overhead of the centralized atomic counter is spread over more iterations. Note that I selected the grain size of 2 for blocked_range; this is because the counter is both incremented and decremented inside the loop body, and so at least two iterations per task (and correspondingly, count>=2*thread_count) are necessary to "match" your variant.

like image 34
Alexey Kukanov Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 13:01

Alexey Kukanov