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What's the best IPC method for intra-machine process communication in Win32? [closed]






I need to implement inter-process communication system for processes (in machine-wide) in Win32 using native C++ (.NET is not applicable). For more detail, I'm considering message routing system between the processes using binary formatted messages. Message sending/receiving must be asynchronous.

TCP socket could be one of the selection. But, I just want to know if there could be better choice for high performance. (I can ignore security problems.)

I'm not requesting detailed code, but just your insights.

like image 654
Daniel K. Avatar asked Jan 20 '23 02:01

Daniel K.

1 Answers

If you have some time to spare, and if you like risk and experimentation, you can use the undocumented Windows feature: Local Procedure Call. It's been there forever, and it's probably the fastest, because it's the foundation for all others.

like image 156
Simon Mourier Avatar answered Feb 10 '23 04:02

Simon Mourier