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Skip the await task response conditional



I have the following code:

//Await #1

var response1 = await doSomething();

if(response1.isSuccess) {

//Await #2

var response2 = await doSomethingElse();


Response 1 and response 2 are totally independent and i want to parallelize the await task here. Basically response 2 takes a lot of time and hence is only invoked when response1 is success. Is there any way in which i can invoke both tasks and see the result of response 1 and if it is fail, i drop/skip the response of Await#2.

like image 748
Shubham Avatar asked Dec 24 '19 09:12


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2 Answers

Essentially what you want is to cancel a task, but with a little more logic.

You need to edit doSomethingElse so that it accepts a CancellationToken, and also so that it makes use of it to stop what its doing:

public async Task<Foo> DoSomethingElse(CancellationToken token) {
    if (token.IsCancellationRequested) {
        // stop what you are doing...
        // I can't tell you how to implement this without seeing how DoSomethingElse is implemented

Now, get a CancellationToken from a CancellationTokenSource:

var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
var token = source.Token;

And here comes the logic of "if response 1 fails cancel response 2":

var response2Task = DoSomethingElse(token);
var response1 = await DoSomething();
if (!response1.IsSuccess) {
} else {
    var response2 = await response2Task;
like image 154
Sweeper Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


var task2 = doSomethingElse();
var response1 = await doSomething();

if(response1.isSuccess) {
    var response2 = await task2;

This will start the execution of doSomethingElse() immediately, and only wait for its completion when response1.isSuccess == true

like image 20
Piotr L Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Piotr L