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How to use @section scripts in a partial view MVC.Core

In ASP.NET Core MVC it is possible to define a script section for a page like this:

@section scripts {

And if the the layout contains :

@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

your script(s) will be rendered. This come in handy per example to guarantee that the scripts will be rendered after all javascript includes like jQuery.

But how to render a script in a partial view?

like image 819
Ivan Valadares Avatar asked Jul 07 '19 00:07

Ivan Valadares

1 Answers

Here is a solution :

In Layout page :


In the Partial :

@using (Html.BeginScripts())

And The Helper Class for MVC.core

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

namespace MyProjectNamespace
    public static class HtmlHelpers
        private const string ScriptsKey = "DelayedScripts";

        public static IDisposable BeginScripts(this IHtmlHelper helper)
            return new ScriptBlock(helper.ViewContext);

        public static HtmlString PageScripts(this IHtmlHelper helper)
            return new HtmlString(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, GetPageScriptsList(helper.ViewContext.HttpContext)));

        private static List<string> GetPageScriptsList(HttpContext httpContext)
            var pageScripts = (List<string>)httpContext.Items[ScriptsKey];
            if (pageScripts == null)
                pageScripts = new List<string>();
                httpContext.Items[ScriptsKey] = pageScripts;
            return pageScripts;

        private class ScriptBlock : IDisposable
            private readonly TextWriter _originalWriter;
            private readonly StringWriter _scriptsWriter;

            private readonly ViewContext _viewContext;

            public ScriptBlock(ViewContext viewContext)
                _viewContext = viewContext;
                _originalWriter = _viewContext.Writer;
                _viewContext.Writer = _scriptsWriter = new StringWriter();

            public void Dispose()
                _viewContext.Writer = _originalWriter;
                var pageScripts = GetPageScriptsList(_viewContext.HttpContext);

Tip: import you class helper in _ViewImports.cshtml so you can use it in all views.

like image 151
Ivan Valadares Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 06:11

Ivan Valadares