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ValidateAntiForgeryToken in WebForms Application

I have done some reading about the use of ValidateAntiForgeryToken to prevent XSRF/CSRF attacks. However what I have seen seems to relate only to MVC.

These are the articles I've seen:

ValidateAntiForgeryToken purpose, explanation and example

CSRF and AntiForgeryToken

XSRF/CSRF Prevention in ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages

How can I implement this or something similar in a WebForms Application?

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Dov Miller Avatar asked Sep 13 '18 13:09

Dov Miller

1 Answers

CSRF attacks are not exclusive to MVC application, webforms are vulnerable too.

Basically, CSRF attack exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser, by requesting or posting information to the website, generally through hidden forms or JavaScript XMLHttpRequests within a the malicious website, as user using cookies stored in the browser.

To prevent this attacks you will need an antiforgery token, a unique token sent within your forms, that you need to validate before trusting the form's information.

You can find a detailed explanation here.

To protect your webforms apps against CSRF attacks (it's working in my projects), is to implement it in your master pages, like this:

Add new Class that will handle the CSRF Validations for you:

public class CsrfHandler
    public static void Validate(Page page, HiddenField forgeryToken)
        if (!page.IsPostBack)
            Guid antiforgeryToken = Guid.NewGuid();
            page.Session["AntiforgeryToken"] = antiforgeryToken;
            forgeryToken.Value = antiforgeryToken.ToString();
            Guid stored = (Guid)page.Session["AntiforgeryToken"];
            Guid sent = new Guid(forgeryToken.Value);
            if (sent != stored)
                // you can throw an exception, in my case I'm just logging the user out

Then implement this in your master pages:


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    CsrfHandler.Validate(this.Page, forgeryToken);


<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
    <asp:HiddenField ID="forgeryToken" runat="server"/>

Hope you'll find this useful.

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KYG Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10