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size of array of structs in bytes



i have an array of structs and i need to get the size of it in bytes

in C++ i can make it using sizeof()

but i need it C#


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Islam Muntasser Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 21:04

Islam Muntasser

People also ask

How do you get the size of an array of a struct?


How big can a byte array be?

The results show the maximum size is 2,147,483,645. The same behavior can be observed for byte, boolean, long, and other data types in the array, and the results are the same.

How do I get the size of an array of structures in CPP?

We can find the size of an array using the sizeof() operator as shown: // Finds size of arr[] and stores in 'size' int size = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

2 Answers

Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MyStruct)) * array.Length

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user541686 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09


There is the sizeof operator. However, it can only be used in unsafe context.

There is also a difference to the method proposed in the other answer, namingly:

For all other types, including structs, the sizeof operator can be used only in unsafe code blocks. Although you can use the Marshal.SizeOf method, the value returned by this method is not always the same as the value returned by sizeof. Marshal.SizeOf returns the size after the type has been marshaled, whereas sizeof returns the size as it has been allocated by the common language runtime, including any padding.



  int size = sizeof(MyStruct)*myArray.Length;
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Femaref Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
