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Singleton Bean instance by generic parameter

I would like to have a singleton bean instance by generic parameter based on a single @Component generic class.

(I am using Spring 4.)

My code :

I have an interface like this :

public interface Mapper<I, O> {

And multiple implementation of it which are Spring @Components (singletons). Something like this :

public class MapperA implements Mapper<ClazzAI, ClazzAO> {


public class MapperB implements Mapper<ClazzBI, ClazzBO> {

where ClazzAI, ClazzAO, ClazzBI and ClazzBO are basic Java classes.

I have another Spring @Component (singleton) which have a Mapper class as a generic parameter :

public class TransformerImpl<I, O, M extends Mapper<I, O>> {

    /** The Mapper */
    protected final M mapper;

    private TransformerImpl(final M mapper) {

        this.mapper= mapper;


and I would like to use it like this :

private TransformerImpl<ClazzAI, ClazzAO, MapperA> transformerA;

private TransformerImpl<ClazzBI, ClazzBO, MapperB> transformerB;

The problem :

But Spring is not able to instantiate those 2 objects because it founds 2 implementations of Mapper : MapperA and MapperB even if I specify which implementation I want as a generic parameter.

Any idea how to make it without the need of instantiate all of those beans in a @Configuration class ?

like image 457
Basemasta Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 14:03


2 Answers

You're asking for a singleton but requiring two injection points

private TransformerImpl<ClazzAI, ClazzAO, MapperA> transformerA;

private TransformerImpl<ClazzBI, ClazzBO, MapperB> transformerB;

for differently constructed objects. That doesn't make much sense.

You now realize you need two beans. If you can't (don't want to) do it in a @Configuration class with @Bean factory methods, you'll need to declare (and scan) two separate @Component classes. (I made your parent constructor public here.)

class MapperATransformerImpl extends TransformerImpl<ClazzAI, ClazzAO, MapperA> {
    public MapperATransformerImpl(MapperA mapper) {

class MapperBTransformerImpl extends TransformerImpl<ClazzBI, ClazzBO, MapperB> {
    public MapperBTransformerImpl(MapperB mapper) {

When processing the injection target

private TransformerImpl<ClazzAI, ClazzAO, MapperA> transformerA;

Spring will find the MapperATransformerImpl, which is of type TransformerImpl<ClazzAI, ClazzAO, MapperA> and inject that.

like image 80
Sotirios Delimanolis Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 22:03

Sotirios Delimanolis

Try with Spring 4. See Using generics as autowiring qualifiers


Like @SotiriosDelimanolis explained in his answer, Spring 4 can use type parameter information as qualifiers to select which bean definition matches a particular injection point, but in the end, it will only match against bean definition with concrete type definitions. In your case, the problem is that you need a TransformerImpl bean definition for each concrete type you want to inject.

As an alternative to defining all bean definition explicitly, check my answer to Spring autowiring issues on paramaterized class

like image 43
Ricardo Veguilla Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 22:03

Ricardo Veguilla