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Single ant upload list item only

I am using ant design to upload csv with this form input:

ce(Form.Item, { className: 'form_input' },
        ce(Upload, { onChange: handleFileChange, className:'csv', multiple: false },
          ce(Button, { type: 'ghost' },
            ce(Icon, { type: 'upload' }), ' Choose File',

The form allows multiple uploads and the new uploads get appended to "ant-upload-list-item". How can I prevent the append and only keep the latest item in there?

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AspiringCanadian Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 17:12


2 Answers

The multiple prop you are specifying is concerning if we allow selecting multiple files in the file select popup, so it doesn't help you here.

There is no immediate way to show only the last upload, but using the fileList property you can implement your own display to accomplish that. See https://ant.design/components/upload/#components-upload-demo-fileList

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Jesper We Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 03:12

Jesper We

I tried with below code which worked fine for me for uploading single file and update uploaded file name.

const props = {
    name: 'file',
    multiple: false,
    showUploadList: {
        showDownloadIcon: false,
    onRemove: file => {
        this.setState(state => {
            return {
                fileList: []
    beforeUpload: file => {
        this.setState(state => ({
            fileList: [file]
        return false;

Can work for both Upload and Dragger

<Dragger {...props} >
  <p className="ant-upload-drag-icon">
      <Icon type="cloud-upload" />
  <p className="ant-upload-text">Click or drag file to this area to upload</p>

<Upload {...props} accept=".asc,.pem,.pub" style={{ width: '100%' }} tabIndex={3}>
    <Button disabled={is_view} style={{ width: '100%' }}>
        <Icon type="upload" />
        {this.state.fileList && this.state.fileList[0] && this.state.fileList[0].name ? this.state.fileList[0].name : 'Click to Upload'} 

On Submit-

 const formData = new FormData()
 formData.append('file', this.state.fileList[0])
like image 24
Rohit Parte Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 03:12

Rohit Parte