I have a problem with toDataURL() function in FireFox
Imagine I have such base64 image:
var url = " ";
And then I want to resize it and send new uri back:
function getImageUri(url, callback) {
image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
var image = this;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 60, 60);
image.src = url;
At the end I just call it to get new uri
getImageUri(url, function (uri) {
document.getElementById('circle').innerHTML = "<img src=" + uri + ">";
Here is the codepen of this example. It works in Chrome, but not in FireFox.
I've searched a lot for similar questions here and most of time the reason was use of image without waiting for its loading, but I have this .onload thing, right?
And also I've tried to make same actions as in this question, but FF is still showing just transparent image. Please help!
There’s a bug open in Firefox about this: drawImage() fails silently when drawing an SVG image without @width or @height.
You can fix it by adding (go figure) width
and height
to the SVG:
width="119" height="119" viewBox="0 0 119 119">
Updated Codepen
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