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Javascript - Callback after all nested forEach loops are completed

I'm sure this is a fairly simple task, but I'm not able to wrap my head around it at this time. I've got a nested set of forEach loops, and I need to have a callback for when all the loops are done running.

I'm open to using async.js

This is what I'm working with:

const scanFiles = function(accounts, cb) {
  let dirs = ['pending', 'done', 'failed'];
  let jobs = [];

  accounts.forEach(function(account) {
    dirs.forEach(function(dir) {
      fs.readdir(account + '/' + dir, function(err, files) {
         files.forEach(function(file) {
            //do something
            //add file to jobs array

  //return jobs array once all files have been added
like image 994
Reza Karami Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 19:12

Reza Karami

1 Answers

Using forEach's 2nd parameter, the index, you can carry out a check whether all loops are done each time you run the innermost loop.

Thus with only a few lines added to your code you get this:

const scanFiles = function(accounts, cb) {
    let dirs = ['pending', 'done', 'failed'];
    let jobs = [];

    accounts.forEach(function(account, accIndex) {
        dirs.forEach(function(dir, dirIndex) {
            fs.readdir(account + '/' + dir, function(err, files) {
                files.forEach(function(file, fileIndex) {
                    //do something
                    //add file to jobs array

                    // Check whether each loop is on its last iteration
                    const filesDone = fileIndex >= files.length - 1;
                    const dirsDone = dirIndex >= dirs.length - 1;
                    const accsDone = accIndex >= accounts.length - 1;

                    // all three need to be true before we can run the callback
                    if (filesDone && dirsDone && accsDone) {
like image 155
Aron Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 10:12
