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Simple, modern, robust, transparent persistence of data structures for Perl

I'm looking for a solution to transparently persist Perl data structures (not even objects, but object support would be a plus) without circular references. I don't care that much about the backend, but I'd prefer JSON. The number of objects would be relatively low (a few thousands of hashrefs with about 5 keys each). By "transparent" persistence I mean that I don't want to have to commit changes to the storage backend every time I update the in-memory data structure.

Here's how the code would ideally look like:

my $ds;

# load the $ds data structure from 'myfile'

print $ds->{foo}->{bar};  # baz
$ds->{foo}->{bar} = 'quux';

... program dies, but the updated %hash has been persisted automatically in 'myfile'

# in another invocation
print $ds->{foo}->{bar};  # quux

So far I've looked at:

  • Dave Rolsky's Perl Object-Oriented Persistence compilation of modules - no updates since 2003
  • brian d foy's MasteringPerl - Chapter 14. Data Serialization - talks about DBM::Deep, a good candidate. I wish there were a clearer difference between serialization and transparent persistence.
  • Persistent - no updates since 2000
  • SPOPS - abandoned since 2004
  • SLOOPS only has one version on CPAN, from 2005
  • Tangram - looks abandoned too
  • Tie::File::AsHash does transparent persistence, but only supports single-level hashes
  • MooseX::Storage, Storable and JSON look nice, but they're only serialization, not persistence frameworks
  • DBIx::Class, Class::DBI, Fey::ORM, ORM, Rose::DB are OO-RDBM mappers, and I'd rather not use a database backend
  • DB_File requires BerkeleyDB
  • KiokuDB seems too complex for the task

I've only found one promising module, DBM::Deep. The code is just like in the example, and you can load the data structure with

my $ds = DBM::Deep->new( "myfile.db" );

The format is binary, though. Not a big problem, since I can use JSON to export it in a human-readable format.

So, am I missing a module, and am I approaching the problem correctly at all?

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Dan Dascalescu Avatar asked Feb 08 '11 08:02

Dan Dascalescu

1 Answers

To achieve your "transparency" goal, you're going to have to either abstract it into a framework (as chambwez suggested) or use tied variables which will save themselves to disk whenever they're updated. DBM hashes use tie in this way, so DBM::Deep is probably your best bet; everything else I'm aware of requires you to explicitly tell it when to write data out and/or caches writes in the name of performance.

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Dave Sherohman Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10

Dave Sherohman