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Show folder in the tree view in Atom



When I am using rubymine, I can open a panel with ctrl+shift+n and enter something like "users/" and it will show me the users folder in the tree view on the left, how can I do the same in Atom editor? I can open files with ctrl + p, but I can't find anything about going to the folder.

like image 933
NoDisplayName Avatar asked Aug 12 '15 14:08


2 Answers

It looks like this functionality is currently not available in Atom. Some related information:

  • You can reveal the currently edited file in the Tree View using the menu entry Packages > Tree View > Reveal Active File or using the assigned keyboard shortcut (on OS X Cmd+Shift+\)
  • There's a Tree View Filter package, which seems to be similar to what you're looking for.
  • The Tree View Search Bar package allows to search the tree view's content.
  • There's an open issue on the Tree View package to add search capabilities, but it has not been implemented yet.
like image 180
nwinkler Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10


Looks available to me?


Cmd + |

like image 32
Cumulo Nimbus Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Cumulo Nimbus