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Fuzzy file opening in vscode

I am exploring vscode after using atom for a long while. One of the things I'm missing is an equivalent of the lovely package advanced-open-file. Is there something similar to this in vscode?

I found the advanced-new-file extension, but it is only helpful when it comes to new files. I would like to be able to quickly open files from all over my local files (not only the workspace).

Edit: I found the option of workbench.action.quickOpen; but it doesn't allow opening files from the whole file system.

like image 738
Dror Avatar asked Mar 19 '18 19:03


People also ask

How do I make my VS code smoother?

Here's how to do it: Simply disable your extensions one at a time, and check to see if it made a difference. If your performance issues are obvious (E.g. files take 2 sec to open) than this should be quite easy. Disable → test → enable → disable the next one → test → etc.

1 Answers

Sorry, but currently the answer is no. The problem is that input box doesn't provide a way to listen to key events: GitHub issue, so even the extensions can't do that currently. Here's the comment from advanced-new-file extension creator:

Because VSCode extensions don't yet have the ability to do type-ahead autocomplete within the text input box (See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/426), we work around this limitation and provide autocomplete using a two-step workflow of selecting existing path, then providing new filename/path relative to the selection.

The good news is that there is a new API addressing this issue, but it's currently in 'proposed' state and can't be used for published extensions.

One workaround could be typing code -r some/path in integrated terminal and using 'tab' for autocomplete.

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Braca Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10
