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How to make atom more like WebStorm IDE?



So what I love about WebStorm is it can do amazing autocomplete after putting a "." and i love all the code completions and linting. Webstorm is very resource heavy and pretty ugly. With atom I can't figure out how to do this. What plugins can I install or customize to get this to work for my likings?

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Lewis Menelaws Avatar asked Apr 02 '16 05:04

Lewis Menelaws

People also ask

Is Atom better than WebStorm?

"Free", "Open source" and "Modular design" are the key factors why developers consider Atom; whereas "Intelligent ide ", "Smart development environment" and "Easy js debugging" are the primary reasons why WebStorm is favored.

What is WebStorm coded in?

Meet WebStorm WebStorm is an integrated development environment for coding in JavaScript and its related technologies.

Is WebStorm a good IDE?

WebStorm is one of the most well-known and profound JavaScript IDEs. It's developed by JetBrains - a company with years of experience in creating powerful IDEs for a variety of programming languages.

Is WebStorm for HTML?

WebStorm brings powerful support for HTML that includes syntax and error highlighting, formatting according to the code style, structure validation, code completion, on-the-fly preview during a debugging session (Live Edit) or in the dedicated preview tab in the code editor, and much more.

1 Answers

For JavaScript development, I would recommend atom-ternjs.


JavaScript code intelligence for atom with Tern. Adds support for ES5, ES6 (JavaScript 2015), Node.js, jQuery, Angular and more. Extendable via plugins. Uses suggestion provider by autocomplete-plus.

Set up your project with Packages -> Atom Ternjs -> Configure Project, and your intelligent JavaScript autocompletion is ready to go.

Happy coding!

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Hatchet Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11
