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Show alert dialog on app main screen load automatically in flutter

I want to show alert dialog based on a condition. Not based on user interaction such as button press event.

If a flag is set in app state data alert dialog is shown otherwise its not.

Below is the sample alert dialog which I want to show

  void _showDialog() {     // flutter defined function     showDialog(       context: context,       builder: (BuildContext context) {         // return object of type Dialog         return AlertDialog(           title: new Text("Alert Dialog title"),           content: new Text("Alert Dialog body"),           actions: <Widget>[             // usually buttons at the bottom of the dialog             new FlatButton(               child: new Text("Close"),               onPressed: () {                 Navigator.of(context).pop();               },             ),           ],         );       },     );   } 

I tried to call that method inside main screen widget's build method but it gives me error -

 The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget. E/flutter ( 3667): #0      Navigator.of.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart:1179:9) E/flutter ( 3667): #1      Navigator.of (package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart:1186:6) E/flutter ( 3667): #2      showDialog (package:flutter/src/material/dialog.dart:642:20) 

Problem is I don't know from where I should call that _showDialog method?

like image 634
WitVault Avatar asked Sep 04 '18 10:09


People also ask

How do I show alert message in Flutter?

To show an alert, you must have to call showDialog() function, which contains the context and itemBuilder function. The itemBuilder function returns an object of type dialog, the AlertDialog. Now, run the app, it will give the following output. When you click on the button Show Alert, you will get the alert message.

How do I know if alert dialog is open in Flutter?

You can do it using showGeneralDialog and put dismissible property to false , using this will ensure you that you are the only one who is handling pop up, like in your any action buttons in dialog.

How do I show dialog flutters?

We need the function "showDialog()" to display the Material Dialog on the Page. In Flutter everything is a Widget. So the Dialog is also a Material Design Widget.

2 Answers

You have to wrap the content inside another Widget (preferably Stateless).


Change From:

  import 'package:flutter/material.dart';    void main() {     runApp(new MyApp());   }    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {     @override     Widget build(BuildContext context) {       return MaterialApp(           title: 'Trial',           home: Scaffold(               appBar: AppBar(title: Text('List scroll')),               body: Container(                 child: Text("Hello world"),               )));     }   } 

to this:

  import 'dart:async';   import 'package:flutter/material.dart';    void main() {     runApp(new MyApp());   }    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {     @override     Widget build(BuildContext context) {       return MaterialApp(           title: 'Trial',           home: Scaffold(               appBar: AppBar(title: Text('List scroll')), body: new MyHome()));     }   }    class MyHome extends StatelessWidget { // Wrapper Widget     @override     Widget build(BuildContext context) {       Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () => showAlert(context));       return Container(         child: Text("Hello world"),       );     }      void showAlert(BuildContext context) {       showDialog(           context: context,           builder: (context) => AlertDialog(                 content: Text("hi"),               ));     }   } 

Note: Refer here for wrapping show alert inside Future.delayed(Duration.zero,..)

like image 74
Dinesh Balasubramanian Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Dinesh Balasubramanian

Simply override initState and call your _showDialog method inside Future or Timer:

@override void initState() {   super.initState();    // Use either of them.    Future(_showDialog);   Timer.run(_showDialog); // Requires import: 'dart:async' } 
like image 44
CopsOnRoad Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
