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Should sorting logic be placed in the model, the view, or the controller? [closed]

People also ask

Where should business logic reside in MVC?

The business logic should be placed in the model, and we should be aiming for fat models and skinny controllers. As a start point, we should start from the controller logic. For example: on update, your controller should direct your code to the method/service that delivers your changes to the model.

What logic goes in the controller?

The kind of "business logic" that you can place in the controller layer is Application logic. Maybe not all application logic should go there. But you should never place domain logic in the controller layer.

What is the purpose of separating model view and controller?

The controller knows how to link a specific view to your model. The separation of model and controller, apart from improving documentation and maintainability, has the immediate benefit of allowing multiple views to display the same information from the model without adding any complexity to either.

Who controls the sort order?

Simple MVC diagram (From Wikipedia)

1) Natural order within the data itself:

The order is part of the Model, so it should go there. A raw pull of "all data" would return the data in the sorted order, and there is no interface to choose the sort order.

2) The user should control how they see the data:

The View would provide an interface (such as ascending/descending arrows) that interact with the Controller, and the Model understands the data well enough to do the requested sort on the data. However, a raw pull of the data doesn't necessarily have to be sorted, unlike in (1).

In either case,

The View doesn't understand that there's a sort going on, other that the ability to show which sort direction has been chosen. Don't put the logic there.

Small caveat

The sorting functionality could go purely in the View, under one circumstance (that I can think of offhand; there may be more):

A "dumb" sort where all the data is already in the view and it doesn't have to use any domain knowledge to do the sort. Very simple string or number comparison, for example. This is not possible in, for example, search results on a webpage when results are likely to be split across multiple pages.

(Note: this quote and citation is taken from @dasblinkenlight's answer, but we disagree on our interpretation of it. read his post and make up your own mind).

According to MVC description,

A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (for example, by scrolling through a document). It can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g. editing a document).

Sorting logic (e.g., the sorting comparator/sorting algorithm) belongs in the model since it contains business rules and state data. Since altering the way the model data is sorted falls squarely into the "change the view's presentation of the model" category, the controller is responsible for "doing the sorting" by calling the model.changeSortedState() method.

According to MVC description,

A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (for example, by scrolling through a document). It can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g. editing a document).

According to this, sorting logic belongs in the controller, because altering the way the model data is sorted falls squarely into the "change the view's presentation of the model" category.

EDIT: To clarify multiple misunderstandings voiced in the comments, the "sorting logic" is not the code that performs the sort; it is the code that defines the sort. The sorting logic compares individual items to each other to establish an order (e.g through an instance of IComparator<T>) or contains logic that constructs an object to be used for ordering by an external system (e.g. through an instance of IOrderedQueryable<T>). This logic belongs in your controller, because it needs knowledge related to the "business" side of your application. It is entirely sufficient to perform the sort, but it is separate from the code that actually performs it. The code that sorts may be in your view, in your model, or even in the persistence layer that backs your model (e.g. your SQL database).

None of the above. Sorting is business logic, and business logic doesn't belong in any of the three. Not every piece of code in your application will be a model, view, or controller.

What I generally do in my MVC apps is I have a service layer that performs all the business logic. The methods in the service layer should have a clean, simple API with well named parameters. You can then invoke those methods from your controller to manipulate the data in the models.

In that sense, the sorting is "in the controller", but the code itself that does the sorting should not be implemented in the controller, only invoked from there.

Definetly not the controller: It sends messages to view and model but should do as little work as possible. If the user can change the sorting that request gets handled by the controller by informing the model or the view about it.

Maybe the View if it is a pure View thing. If the Application works just as well without sorting then the sorting is just part of the representation and should go in the view.

If the ordering is inherent part of the domain it should go in the model.

  • Views are the part of MVC which is supposed to contain presentation logic.
  • Model layer is where business logic is contained.
  • Controllers only change the state of both, based on user input.

So the choice is - do you think that this is part of the domain business logic or presentation logic.

If you were implementing a proper MVC Model2 or classical MVC pattern, then I would say that the ordering of data provided by the model layer should be triggered by the view's request to the model layer. View asks for ordered data, model layer provides it.

But, since you are using ASP.NET MVC's interpretation of MVC pattern, which is a bit different then your standard MVC - the ViewModel instance should request ordered information from the model layer (for some reason ASP.NET framework thinks that templates should be called "views" and views should be called "viewmodels" .. it's strange).