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Including an anchor tag in an ASP.NET MVC Html.ActionLink



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What is HTML ActionLink in MVC?

Html. ActionLink creates a hyperlink on a view page and the user clicks it to navigate to a new URL. It does not link to a view directly, rather it links to a controller's action.

Which is the correct way to specify an anchor HyperLink in MVC view?

The Anchor Tag Helper generates HTML anchor (<a> </a>) element by adding a new attribute. The "href" attribute of the anchor tag is created by using new attributes. The Anchor Tag Helper generates an HTML anchor (<a> </a>) element by adding new attribute.

What is the difference between using URL action and HTML ActionLink in a view?

Yes, there is a difference. Html. ActionLink generates an <a href=".."></a> tag whereas Url. Action returns only an url.

How do I pass an object in ActionLink?

If you need to pass through the reference to an object that is stored on the server, then try setting a parameter of the link to give a reference to the object stored on the server, that can then be retrieved by the action (example, the Id of the menuItem in question).

There are overloads of ActionLink which take a fragment parameter. Passing "section12" as your fragment will get you the behavior you're after.

For example, calling LinkExtensions.ActionLink Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String, String, String, String, Object, Object):

<%= Html.ActionLink("Link Text", "Action", "Controller", null, null, "section12-the-anchor", new { categoryid = "blah"}, null) %>

I would probably build the link manually, like this:

<a href="<%=Url.Action("Subcategory", "Category", new { categoryID = parent.ID }) %>#section12">link text</a>

I don't remember in which version of ASP.NET MVC (ASP.NET MVC 3+ I believe) / Razor the parameterlabeldeclaration or whatever it's called (parameter: x) feature was introduced, but to me this is definitely the proper way to build a link with an anchor in ASP.NET MVC.

@Html.ActionLink("Some link text", "MyAction", "MyController", protocol: null, hostName: null, fragment: "MyAnchor", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: null)

Not even Ed Blackburns antipattern argument from this answer can compete with that.

I just did it like this:

<a href="@Url.Action("Index","Home")#features">Features</a>