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Shortcut to open file in Vim

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How do I open a file in vim?

Open a new or existing file with vim filename . Type i to switch into insert mode so that you can start editing the file. Enter or modify the text with your file. Once you're done, press the escape key Esc to get out of insert mode and back to command mode.

How do I open a file in vim terminal?

You simply type vim into the terminal to open it and start a new file. You can pass a filename as an option and it will open that file, e.g. vim main.

What is Ctrl W in vim?

CTRL+w CTRL+w - switch between windows CTRL+w UP - Move to the top window from current window CTRL+w DOWN - Move to the bottom window from current window CTRL+w LEFT - Move to the left window from current window CTRL+w RIGHT - Move to the right window from current window.

How do I open a file tree in vim?

The command :Explore opens the file explorer window. Select a file or directory name and press Enter to open that file or directory. (For example :e /home/user displays the contents of that directory.) To return to the explorer window, press Ctrl-^ (usually Ctrl-6).

What I normally do is e . (e-space-dot) which gives me a browsable current directory - then I can / - search for name fragments, just like finding a word in a text file. I find that generally good enough, simple and quick.

I recently fell in love with fuzzyfinder.vim ... :-)

:FuzzyFinderFile will let you open files by typing partial names or patterns.

:find is another option.

I open vim from the root of my project and have the path set to there.

Then, I can open files located anywhere in the tree using:

:find **/filena< tab >

Tab will autocomplete through various matches. (** tells it to search recursively through the path).

You can search for a file in the current path by using **:

:tabe **/header.h

Hit tab to see various completions if there is more than one match.