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Shift+Ctrl+0 key combination not seen by application on Windows Vista

I start with a new Delphi VCL application, add Menus to the uses clause, drop a label on the form, and assign the form's OnShortCut event:

procedure TForm1.FormShortCut(var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean);
  Label1.Caption := ShortCutToText(ShortCut(Msg.CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(Msg.KeyData)));

On XP, this works correctly for all shortcut key combinations that I've tried, including Shift+Ctrl+0. On Vista and Windows 7, the test application displays Shift+Ctrl+1 through Shift+Ctrl+9, but not Shift+Ctrl+0. Other combinations like Shift+0, Ctrl+0, and even Shift+Ctrl+Alt+0 are displayed fine.

Running the application under the debugger, I find that the OnShortCut event is never fired with Msg.CharCode = Ord('0') if both the Shift and Ctrl keys are held down while the 0 key is pressed.

The Delphi IDE has the same problem under Vista. Ctrl+Shift+1 sets bookmark 1, but Ctrl+Shift+0 does not set bookmark 0, which it should.

I've tested this with Delphi 2007 and 2010 on virgin installs of Windows Vista and 7 in VMware, so there's no 3rd party software trapping the keys. I haven't tried any other development tools to determine if the problem is with Delphi or with Vista itself.

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Jan Goyvaerts Avatar asked Sep 23 '09 08:09

Jan Goyvaerts

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In Delphi, associating a shortcut key with a menu item (pull-down menus cannot have a shortcut key) is very easy. You simply select a value for the ShortCut property, choosing one of the standard combinations: Ctrl or Shift plus almost any key. You might even add shortcut keys to a program without adding a real menu.

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1 Answers

Shift+Ctrl+0 is preassigned in Vista to the input method editor (IME) :


This will solve your problem but will impact users of IMEs (mostly asian versions), so you should consider not using this shortcut.

like image 80
fbonnet Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11
