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Shell script common template




Millions of developers write shell scripts to solve various types of tasks. I use shell scripts to simplify deployment, life-cycle management, installation or simply as a glue language.

What I've noticed is nobody actually cares about shell scripts style and quality. A lot of teams spend many hours fixing Java, C++, ... style issues, but totally ignore issues in their shell scripts. By the way, usually there is no standard way to implement a shell script within a particular project, so the one may find dozens different, ugly and buggy scripts, spread around the codebase.

To overcome that issue in my projects I decided to create a shell script template, universal and good enough. I will provide my templates as is to make this question a bit more useful. Out of the box these templates provides:

  • command-line arguments handling
  • synchronization
  • some basic help

Arguments handling: getopts (latest version: shell-script-template@github)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# [Author] Title
#          Description
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

USAGE="Usage: command -ihv args"

# --- Options processing -------------------------------------------
if [ $# == 0 ] ; then
    echo $USAGE
    exit 1;

while getopts ":i:vh" optname
    case "$optname" in
        echo "Version $VERSION"
        exit 0;
        echo "-i argument: $OPTARG"
        echo $USAGE
        exit 0;
        echo "Unknown option $OPTARG"
        exit 0;
        echo "No argument value for option $OPTARG"
        exit 0;
        echo "Unknown error while processing options"
        exit 0;

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))


# --- Locks -------------------------------------------------------
if [ -f "$LOCK_FILE" ]; then
   echo "Script is already running"

trap "rm -f $LOCK_FILE" EXIT
touch $LOCK_FILE

# --- Body --------------------------------------------------------
echo $param1
echo $param2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

Shell Flags (shFlags) allows to simplify command-line arguments handling a lot, so at some moment of time I decided not to ignore such possibility.

Arguments handling: shflags (latest version: shell-script-template@github)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# [Author] Title
#          Description
#          This script uses shFlags -- Advanced command-line flag
#          library for Unix shell scripts.
#          http://code.google.com/p/shflags/
# Dependency:
#     http://shflags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/source/1.0/src/shflags
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
USAGE="Usage: command -hv args"

# --- Option processing --------------------------------------------
if [ $# == 0 ] ; then
    echo $USAGE
    exit 1;

. ./shflags

DEFINE_string 'aparam' 'adefault' 'First parameter'
DEFINE_string 'bparam' 'bdefault' 'Second parameter'

# parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))


# --- Locks -------------------------------------------------------

if [ -f "$LOCK_FILE" ]; then
echo "Script is already running"

trap "rm -f $LOCK_FILE" EXIT
touch $LOCK_FILE

# -- Body ---------------------------------------------------------
echo "Param A: $FLAGS_aparam"
echo "Param B: $FLAGS_bparam"
echo $param1
echo $param2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

I do think these templates can be improved to simplify developer's life even more.

So the question is how to improve them to have the following:

  • built-in logging
  • better error handling
  • better portability
  • smaller footprint
  • built-in execution time tracking
like image 968
Renat Gilmanov Avatar asked Dec 23 '12 02:12

Renat Gilmanov

3 Answers

This is the header of my script shell template (which can be found here: http://www.uxora.com/unix/shell-script/18-shell-script-template).

It is a man look alike which is used to by usage() to diplsay help as well.

#+    ${SCRIPT_NAME} [-hv] [-o[file]] args ...
#%    This is a script template
#%    to start any good shell script.
#%    -o [file], --output=[file]    Set log file (default=/dev/null)
#%                                  use DEFAULT keyword to autoname file
#%                                  The default value is /dev/null.
#%    -t, --timelog                 Add timestamp to log ("+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S")
#%    -x, --ignorelock              Ignore if lock file exists
#%    -h, --help                    Print this help
#%    -v, --version                 Print script information
#%    ${SCRIPT_NAME} -o DEFAULT arg1 arg2
#-    version         ${SCRIPT_NAME} (www.uxora.com) 0.0.4
#-    author          Michel VONGVILAY
#-    copyright       Copyright (c) http://www.uxora.com
#-    license         GNU General Public License
#-    script_id       12345
#     2015/03/01 : mvongvilay : Script creation
#     2015/04/01 : mvongvilay : Add long options and improvements
#    set -n  # Uncomment to check your syntax, without execution.
#    set -x  # Uncomment to debug this shell script

And here is the usage functions to go with:

  #== needed variables ==#
SCRIPT_HEADSIZE=$(head -200 ${0} |grep -n "^# END_OF_HEADER" | cut -f1 -d:)
SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${0})"

  #== usage functions ==#
usage() { printf "Usage: "; head -${SCRIPT_HEADSIZE:-99} ${0} | grep -e "^#+" | sed -e "s/^#+[ ]*//g" -e "s/\${SCRIPT_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}/g" ; }
usagefull() { head -${SCRIPT_HEADSIZE:-99} ${0} | grep -e "^#[%+-]" | sed -e "s/^#[%+-]//g" -e "s/\${SCRIPT_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}/g" ; }
scriptinfo() { head -${SCRIPT_HEADSIZE:-99} ${0} | grep -e "^#-" | sed -e "s/^#-//g" -e "s/\${SCRIPT_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}/g"; }

Here is what you should obtain:

# Display help
$ ./template.sh --help

    template.sh [-hv] [-o[file]] args ...

    This is a script template
    to start any good shell script.

    -o [file], --output=[file]    Set log file (default=/dev/null)
                                  use DEFAULT keyword to autoname file
                                  The default value is /dev/null.
    -t, --timelog                 Add timestamp to log ("+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S")
    -x, --ignorelock              Ignore if lock file exists
    -h, --help                    Print this help
    -v, --version                 Print script information

    template.sh -o DEFAULT arg1 arg2

    version         template.sh (www.uxora.com) 0.0.4
    author          Michel VONGVILAY
    copyright       Copyright (c) http://www.uxora.com
    license         GNU General Public License
    script_id       12345

# Display version info
$ ./template.sh -v

    version         template.sh (www.uxora.com) 0.0.4
    author          Michel VONGVILAY
    copyright       Copyright (c) http://www.uxora.com
    license         GNU General Public License
    script_id       12345

You can get the full script template here: http://www.uxora.com/unix/shell-script/18-shell-script-template

like image 160
Michel VONGVILAY uxora.com Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Michel VONGVILAY uxora.com

I would steer clear of relying on bash as the shell and model your solution on top of shell syntax defined by POSIX and use /bin/sh on the shebang. We had a number of surprises recently when Ubuntu changed /bin/sh to dash.

Another pandemic in the shell world is a general misunderstanding of exit status codes. Exiting with an understandable code is what lets other shell scripts programmatically react to specific failures. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of guidance on this beyond the "sysexits.h" header file.

If you are looking for more information about good shell scripting practices, concentrate on Korn shell scripting resources. Ksh programming tends to focus on really programming as opposed to writing haphazard scripts.

Personally, I haven't found much use for shell templates. The unfortunate truth is that most engineers will simply copy and paste your template and continue to write the same sloppy shell code. A better approach is to create a library of shell functions with well-defined semantics and then convince others to use them. This approach will also help with change control. For example, if you find a defect in a template, then every script that was based on it is broken and would require modifications. Using a library makes it possible to fix defects in one place.

Welcome to the world of shell scripting. Writing shell scripts is a bit of a lost art that seems to be entering a renaissance. There were some good books written on the subject in the late 90's - UNIX Shell Programming by Burns and Arthur comes to mind though the Amazon reviews for the book make it seem awful. IMHO, effective shell code embraces the UNIX philosophy as described by Eric S. Raymond in The Art of Unix Programming.

like image 36
D.Shawley Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09


If you're concerned about portability, do not use == in tests. Use = instead. Do not explicitly check if $# is 0. Instead, use ${n?error message} the first time you reference a required argument (eg ${3?error message}). This prevents the extremely annoying practice of emitting a usage statement instead of an error message. And most importantly, always put error messages on the right stream and exit with the correct status. For example:

echo "Unknown error while processing options" >&2
exit 1;

It is often convenient to do something like:

die() { echo "$*"; exit 1; } >&2
like image 6
William Pursell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

William Pursell