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Shell application in Vim window

I'm searching a way to start console application in vim window.
So I could open python & php interactive shell in it. It would be very handy.

I want something like

:10 sp !python
like image 502
Andrew Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 21:12


2 Answers

Try the conque shell plugin. Sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

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michaelmichael Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 05:01


Bram Moolenaar writes:

Executing shell commands in a window

There have been questions for the possibility to execute a shell in a window inside Vim. The answer: you can't! Including this would add a lot of code to Vim, which is a good reason not to do this. After all, Vim is an editor, it is not supposed to do non-editing tasks. However, to get something like this, you might try splitting your terminal screen or display window with the "splitvt" program. You can probably find it on some ftp server. The person that knows more about this is Sam Lantinga [slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu]. An alternative is the "window" command, found on BSD Unix systems, which supports multiple overlapped windows. Or the "screen" program, found at www.uni-erlangen.de, which supports a stack of windows.

From Vim:

:help shell-window

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Johnsyweb Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 04:01
