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Sharing Test code in Maven

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What is test dependency in Maven?

A test -scoped dependency is a dependency that is available on the classpath only during test compilation and test execution. If your project has war or ear packaging, a test -scoped dependency would not be included in the project's output archive.

Does Maven include test classes in jar?

You can produce a jar which will include your test classes and resources. To reuse this artifact in an other project, you must declare this dependency with type test-jar : <project>

I recommend using type instead of classifier (see also: classifier). It tells Maven a bit more explicitly what you are doing (and I've found that m2eclipse and q4e both like it better).


Thanks for the base module suggestion. However, I'd rather not create a new module for just this purpose.

Found an acceptable answer in the Surefire Maven documentation and a blog. See also "How to create a jar containing test classes".

This creates jar file of code from src/test/java using the jar plugin so that modules with tests can share code.


In order to use the attached test JAR that was created above you simply specify a dependency on the main artifact with a specified classifier of tests:


We solved this by making a maven project with test code as the src/main/java and adding the following dependency to projects:
