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Sharing Mutable Variables Between Threads In Rust

Editor's note: This code example is from a version of Rust prior to 1.0 and is not syntactically valid Rust 1.0 code.

Is it possible to share a mutable variable between multiple threads in Rust? Given the following:

fn main() {

    let mut msg = "Hi";
    // ...
    msg = "Hello, World!";

    do spawn {

    do spawn {


I get this error:


The variable just needs to be readonly to the spawned threads. The variable has to be mutable though, because what I'm really trying to do is share a HashMap between multiple threads. As far as I know there is no way to populate a HashMap unless it's mutable. Even if there is a way to do that though, I'm still interested in knowing how to accomplish something like this in general.

Thank you!

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Evan Byrne Avatar asked Jul 26 '13 17:07

Evan Byrne

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1 Answers

The "in general" answer (about keeping a hash table mutable while it's shared) is that it's not directly possible; Rust was specifically designed to forbid the sharing of mutable state in order to avoid certain kinds of bugs and to protect certain kinds of safety (and for other reasons).

However, it is possible to create something much like a shared mutable hash table. Imagine that a single task has a mutable hash table. You can write code so that other tasks can send it messages saying, essentially "Update the hash table so that 5 maps to 18" or "Tell me what 7 maps to".

What does this indirection accomplish? First, by copying values into messages, it's not possible for another task to trample all over memory that you're in the middle of reading (a big safety problem), and second, by writing the code indirectly, it's more clear to the programmer what is and is not an atomic operation; the programmer will know not to expect that two consecutive messages about hash table contents aren't necessarily about the same version of the hash table, an assumption that is perfectly valid (at least in Rust, thanks to some other restrictions) about two consecutive reads from an unshared, mutable, hash table.

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Paul Stansifer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Paul Stansifer