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C# - Thread Abort Exception (Thread Abort Exception) rethrowing itself

I have the current code:

class Program
    private static void Main()
        while (true)

            catch (ThreadAbortException)

            Console.WriteLine("now waiting");

Now I know the method ResetAbort is supposed to prevent the ThreadAbortException from continue to re-throw itself even when a catch statement is catching it, but my question is this:

If anyone can use the ResetAbort method, then what's the point of the exception specially re-throw itself?

the user can just do

    catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
        throw ex;
like image 383
No Idea For Name Avatar asked Jun 20 '14 14:06

No Idea For Name

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In the real sense it has no meaning or full form. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at AT&T bell Lab. First, they used to call it as B language then later they made some improvement into it and renamed it as C and its superscript as C++ which was invented by Dr.

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1 Answers

Because Aborting a thread doesn't necessarily mean an exception will be thrown. For the Abort Procedure the catch (ThreadAbortException) block is just another critical region of code. It only gives us a thread safe and convenient way of detecting if the current thread is being aborted (and maybe with some state being passed too) in case we want to do something special. Other than that, it is like any other critical region (like a finally block) where it will terminate the thread after its execution.

At the same time, in your example Abort is called synchronously (which is actually safe to do) and in that case it is very similar to throwing an exception. Things only get interesting and dangerous when it's called asynchronously from another thread, due to the Abort procedure being more complicated than just throwing an exception: In essence, first, thread is marked as being aborted, then critical code regions (for example finally blocks) are executed and only then the exception is thrown, if the AbortRequested flag is still set on the thread, and so on.

Code below illustrates this fact by recovering an aborted thread without catching any exceptions:

var inFinally = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var abortCalled = new ManualResetEvent(false);

var t = new Thread(_ =>
    Console.WriteLine("Thread started..");
        Console.WriteLine(" ThreadState (before): " + Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState);

        // This isn't thread safe, and ugly?
        if ((Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState & ThreadState.AbortRequested) != 0)

        Console.WriteLine(" ThreadState (after): " + Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState);
    Console.WriteLine("Executed because we called Thread.ResetAbort()");



// Call from another thread because Abort()
// blocks while in finally block
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => t.Abort());

while ((t.ThreadState & ThreadState.AbortRequested) == 0)



//  Output:
// Thread started..
//  ThreadState (before): AbortRequested
//  ThreadState (after): Running
// Executed because we called Thread.ResetAbort()

Now, I must be honest: I am not entirely sure how one could use this feature and create something useful. But it sounds like Thread.Abort API was (probably still is, I don't know) used to facilitate thread and AppDomain reuse in frameworks like ASP.NET.

In one of Joe Duffy's Blog entries, Managed code and asynchronous exception hardening, he talks about ResetAbort and the Abort API:

Some framework infrastructure, most notably ASP.NET, even aborts individual threads routinely without unloading the domain. They backstop the ThreadAbortExceptions, call ResetAbort on the thread and reuse it or return it to the CLR ThreadPool.

I can imagine it can be used in a framework to reuse the managed threads, reducing the overhead. However, the problems (bad thread synchronization design, bad exception handling, dead locks and so on) introduced in user code, by this easily misunderstood API, rendered the Abort and ResetAbort calls more troublesome than useful.

like image 199
ziya Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09
