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Share on Facebook / Twitter / E-mail feature using PhoneGap / jQueryMobile

I'm coding an app for iOS / WP7 / Android using PhoneGap and it has to allow the user to publish comments to its facebook wall / twitter or send it by e-mail.

What is the easy way to face these tasks? any common approach? maybe a plugin? I have seen some similar posts in stackoverflow but none of them seems to offer a plain solution for all platforms...


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xus Avatar asked Oct 18 '11 14:10


1 Answers

Here's a nice one, it's a JQuery plugin that not only has a nice interface but also provides the implementation details (link) to actually share something on each one of those frameworks!

jQuery social media share

If you want more access (like FB Wall), you'll need to actually code against the FB SDK (in javascript, not that hard but tons of functionality!).

PS: I am not affiliated in any way to this plugin or to it's author

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Leon Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
