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Share a single service between multiple angular.js apps

I'm building an ecommerce site (based on shopify) and I'm using multiple small angularjs apps to handle things such as a quick shopping cart, wishlists, filtering products and a few other smaller items. I initially used one big application (that had routing and everything), but it was a bit to restrictive when I didn't have a full REST API.

There are a couple of services that I would like to share between the angular apps (the cart service, so I can have a quick add button that will reflect in the mini-cart and such), but I'm not sure of the best way (if there is a way) to go about this. Just sharing a module with the service doesn't keep the same state across the apps.

I tried my hand at it, but I it doesn't seem to update state between both apps. The following is the javascript I tried using. It's also on jsfiddle with accompanying html: http://jsfiddle.net/k9KM7/1/

angular.module('test-service', [])   .service('TestService', function($window){     var text = 'Initial state';      if (!!$window.sharedService){       return $window.sharedService;     }      $window.sharedService = {       change: function(newText){         text = newText;       },       get: function(){         return text;       }     }      return $window.sharedService;   });  angular.module('app1', ['test-service'])   .controller('App1Ctrl', function($scope, TestService){     $scope.text = function(){ return TestService.get() }     $scope.change = function(){ TestService.change('app 1 activated') }   });  angular.module('app2', ['test-service'])   .controller('App2Ctrl', function($scope, TestService){     $scope.text = function(){ return TestService.get() }     $scope.change = function(){ TestService.change('app 2 activated') }   });  var app1El = document.getElementById('app1'); var app2El = document.getElementById('app2');  angular.bootstrap(app1El, ['app1', 'test-service']); angular.bootstrap(app2El, ['app2', 'test-service']); 

Any help would be appreciated

like image 284
Tom Brunoli Avatar asked May 23 '13 23:05

Tom Brunoli

People also ask

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An AngularJS application can contain one or more controllers as needed, in real application a good approach is to create a new controller for every significant view within the application.

2 Answers

The sharedService is being shared, but one angular app doesn't know that something updated in the other app so it doesn't kick off a $digest. You have to manually tell the $rootScope of each application to start a $digest by calling $rootscope.$apply()

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pvtpenguin/k9KM7/3/

  angular.module('test-service', [])   .service('TestService', function($rootScope, $window){     var text = 'Initial state';     $window.rootScopes = $window.rootScopes || [];     $window.rootScopes.push($rootScope);      if (!!$window.sharedService){       return $window.sharedService;     }      $window.sharedService = {       change: function(newText){         text = newText;         angular.forEach($window.rootScopes, function(scope) {           if(!scope.$$phase) {               scope.$apply();           }         });       },       get: function(){         return text;       }     }      return $window.sharedService;   }); 
like image 56
Matt York Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Matt York

I was trying to solve a similar problem. Sharing factories between apps running in different iFrames. I wanted any $apply() in any frame to cause a digest cycle in all other frames. Allowing simple ng-clicks bound directly to a factory method to update the view in all other frames. I created a module which handles the binding of scopes and sharing of factories:

Click here to see plunkr

Just include the module on each app:

angular.module('App', ['iFrameBind']) 

And change any factory's return statement to return the shared version of that factory:

return sharedFactory.register('counter', service); 


.factory('counter', function (sharedFactory) {    var service;   var val = 0;    function inc() {     val++;   }    function dec() {     val--;   }    function value() {     return val;   }    service = {     inc: inc,     dec: dec,     value: value   };    return sharedFactory.register('counter', service); })  .directive('counter', function (counter) {   return {     template: '{{counter.value()}} ' +               '<button ng-click="counter.inc()">Up</button> ' +               '<button ng-click="counter.dec()">Down</button> ',     restrict: 'E',     link: function postLink(scope) {       scope.counter = counter;     }   }; }); 

Counter updates in both frames when click happens in either

like image 24
Phil Holden Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Phil Holden