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How to use ng-if with ng-repeat?

I have a simple nav object setup that lists the nav items (and whether they should appear in the primary nav or not). It seems though when I try to mix ng-if with ng-repeat, things fall apart, but when I mix ng-show with ng-repeat it works fine (but I end up with a bunch of hidden elements that I don't want appended to the DOM).

   <section class="nav">         <a  ng-repeat="(key, item) in route.routes"             ng-href="{{key}}"             ng-show="item.nav"         >                 {{item.label}}         </a>     </section> 

But the following doesn't work (note the ng-show is now ng-if):

    <section class="nav">     <a  ng-repeat="(key, item) in route.routes"         ng-href="{{key}}"         ng-if="item.nav"     >             {{item.label}}     </a> </section> 

The routes object looks like

routes: {     '/home': { label: 'Home', nav: true },     '/contact': { label: 'Contact', nav: false},    // etc } 

I receive the following error when trying to use ng-if:

Error: Multiple directives [ngIf, ngRepeat] asking for transclusion on:

I guess it's trying to tell me that I can't state it's declaration for existing twice. I could use ng-if on an inner element, but I think I would still end up with a bunch of empty outer a tags.

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Chris Avatar asked Oct 07 '13 21:10


People also ask

Can you use Ng-if and Ng-show together?

ng-if is better in this regard. Using it in place of ng-show will prevent the heavy content from being rendered in the first place if the expression is false. However, its strength is also its weakness, because if the user hides the chart and then shows it again, the content is rendered from scratch each time.

How do I get an index value in ng-repeat?

Note: The $index variable is used to get the Index of the Row created by ng-repeat directive. Each row of the HTML Table consists of a Button which has been assigned ng-click directive. The $index variable is passed as parameter to the GetRowIndex function.

How do you use NG-if?

Definition and UsageThe ng-if directive removes the HTML element if the expression evaluates to false. If the if statement evaluates to true, a copy of the Element is added in the DOM.

What is the use of NG-repeat?

Definition and Usage The ng-repeat directive repeats a set of HTML, a given number of times. The set of HTML will be repeated once per item in a collection. The collection must be an array or an object. Note: Each instance of the repetition is given its own scope, which consist of the current item.

2 Answers

There's probably a better solution, but after reading the replies above, you can try making your own custom filter:

angular.module('yourModule').filter('filterNavItems', function() {   return function(input) {     var inputArray = [];      for(var item in input) {       inputArray.push(input[item]);     }      return inputArray.filter(function(v) { return v.nav; });   }; }); 

Then to use it:

<section class="nav">     <a  ng-repeat="(key, item) in routes | filterNavItems"         ng-href="{{key}}">             {{item.label}}     </a> </section> 

Here's the Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/srMbxK?p=preview

like image 166
Cuong Vo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Cuong Vo

Instead of ng-if you should use a filter (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.filter:filter) on you ng-repeat to exclude certain items from your list.

like image 39
Miichi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
