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Get bounding box of element accounting for its transform




Given this SVG:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">   <rect width="50" height="50"         transform="translate(75,75) rotate(45) translate(-25,-25)" />   <script>     var bb = document.querySelector('rect').getBBox();     console.log([bb.x,bb,y,bb.width,bb.height]);   </script> </svg>​ 

The resulting output is [0, 0, 50, 50].
The desired result is [39.645,39.645,70.711,70.711].

Visual Version: http://jsfiddle.net/2wpju/7/

What's the simplest, most efficient way to calculate the bounding box of an element with respect to its parent element?

Below is the best answer I've come up with so far, but there are two problems:

  1. It seems like a lot of work for what might be handled better, and
  2. As seen in this demo it's not necessarily the minimum bounding box (notice the upper circle), since the axis-aligned bounding box of a rotated axis-aligned bounding box always increases the size.


// Calculate the bounding box of an element with respect to its parent element function transformedBoundingBox(el){   var bb  = el.getBBox(),       svg = el.ownerSVGElement,       m   = el.getTransformToElement(el.parentNode);    // Create an array of all four points for the original bounding box   var pts = [     svg.createSVGPoint(), svg.createSVGPoint(),     svg.createSVGPoint(), svg.createSVGPoint()   ];   pts[0].x=bb.x;          pts[0].y=bb.y;   pts[1].x=bb.x+bb.width; pts[1].y=bb.y;   pts[2].x=bb.x+bb.width; pts[2].y=bb.y+bb.height;   pts[3].x=bb.x;          pts[3].y=bb.y+bb.height;    // Transform each into the space of the parent,   // and calculate the min/max points from that.       var xMin=Infinity,xMax=-Infinity,yMin=Infinity,yMax=-Infinity;   pts.forEach(function(pt){     pt = pt.matrixTransform(m);     xMin = Math.min(xMin,pt.x);     xMax = Math.max(xMax,pt.x);     yMin = Math.min(yMin,pt.y);     yMax = Math.max(yMax,pt.y);   });    // Update the bounding box with the new values   bb.x = xMin; bb.width  = xMax-xMin;   bb.y = yMin; bb.height = yMax-yMin;   return bb; } 
like image 910
Phrogz Avatar asked May 16 '12 17:05


People also ask

Does getBoundingClientRect include transform?

getBoundingClientRect() returns the coordinates of an element on the screen after being transformed.

What is getBoundingClientRect () in Javascript?

getBoundingClientRect() method returns a DOMRect object providing information about the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.

What is getBoundingClientRect () Top?

The getBoundingClientRect() method returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport. The getBoundingClientRect() method returns a DOMRect object with eight properties: left, top, right, bottom, x, y, width, height.

1 Answers

All you need to use is this simple Javascript function:


It is supported in:

Chrome  Firefox (Gecko)   Internet Explorer Opera   Safari 1.0           3.0 (1.9)   4.0               (Yes)   4.0 

Look here for more about it. Link

like image 185
Progo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
