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Shall I free/destroy exceptions after exception handling?

I'm debugging a delphi program.

    on e: TErrorTapeDrive do
        if e.errorCode = 1104 then
            if Assigned(indexDoneEvent) then
        // other handling...
    // other handling...

I catch an Excetion e and do what I need. Now, when the debug program counter reach the line just below end;, if I hover e.errorCode with the cursor, I can still see its value. I would expect this was out of scope and, eventually, destroyed.

So, my question is: shall I free/destroy exceptions after exception handling?

like image 931
Paolo M Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 09:07

Paolo M

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2 Answers

The runtime takes ownership of exceptions after they are raised. You do not need to free them.

The exception is destroyed at the end of the block in which it is handled, as demonstrated by this program:



  MyException = class(Exception)
    destructor Destroy; override;

destructor MyException.Destroy;

procedure Main;
    raise MyException.Create('Boo');
    on E: Exception do
      Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
  Writeln('After try/except block');


which outputs:

MyException: Boo
After try/except block

Whilst the debugger may still show you information about the exception after it has been freed, that behaviour is undefined. The compiler understands that the exception has left scope, even if the debugger is ignorant of that fact.

If you want an exception's lifetime to extend beyond the except block which handles it then you would need to call AcquireExceptionObject. Once you do that, it becomes your responsibility to free the exception whose lifetime you acquired.

like image 152
David Heffernan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

David Heffernan

The compiler + RTL takes care of that for you, so don't.

As for the e: Exception object still beeing "valid" after the end of the except block, see this question:

Why are Delphi objects assigned even after calling .Free?

Destroying something doesn't guarantee that the memory is immediatly invalidated, it just makes it available for reuse.

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Jens Mühlenhoff Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09

Jens Mühlenhoff