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Setting up an Erlang development environment




People also ask

What is Erlang programming language used for?

Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging.

How do I download and install Erlang?

Download Erlang/OTP 4. To install Erlang you can either build it from source or use a pre-built package. Take a look at the Erlang/OTP 25 release description to see what changes Erlang/OTP 25 brings over the previous major version. The Erlang/OTP version scheme is described in the Erlang/OTP Systems Principles Guide.

I highly recommend the Erlang mode shipped with the standard Erlang distribution. I've put together a "works out of the box" Emacs configuration which includes:

  • Syntax highlighting & context-sensitive indentation
  • Dynamic compilation with on-the-fly error highlighting
  • Integrated Erlang shell
  • And more....

You can browse my GitHub repo here:


I've only done a small bit of coding in Erlang but I found the most useful method was just to write the code in a text editor and have a terminal open ready to build my code as I need to (this was in Linux, but a similar idea would work in Windows, I'm sure).

Your question didn't mention it, but if you're looking for a good book on Erlang, try this one by O'Reilly.

You could also try NetBeans there's a very nice Erlang module available: ErlyBird

  1. Install Erlang: sudo aptitude install erlang
  2. Install a recent JDK: sudo aptitute install sun-java6-jdk
  3. Download and install (the smallest) NetBeans edition (e.g. the PHP one): www.netbeans.org/downloads
  4. download the erlang module ErlyBird: sourceforge.net/projects/erlybird
  5. manually install the modules via NetBeans

ErlyBird features:

  • syntax checking
  • syntax highlighting
  • auto-completion
  • pretty formatter
  • occurrences mark
  • brace matching
  • indentation
  • code folding
  • function navigator
  • go to declaration
  • project management
  • Erlang shell console

I'm using Erlang in a few production systems personally as well at the office. For client side testing, documentation and development I use a MacBook Pro as the OS/platform and TextMate with the Erlang bundle as an editor.

For sever side development and deployment we use RHEL 4.x/5.x in production and for editing I use VIM. Personally, I've got 4 machines (slices on slicehost.com) running Debian using Erlang for a few websites and jobs.

I try to go with the smallest 'engineering environment possible', usually the one with the fewest dependencies from apt or yum.