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Set yii2-jeasyui for yii2




I'm trying to use JEASYUI for yii2 by installing yii2-jeasyui but I'm facing some problems. I cannot successfully use composer :

php composer.phar require sheillendra/yii2-jeasyui "dev-master"

due to shiellendra/yii2-theme package not found. so I installed it manually. Although, the problem remain because the theme folder is missing.

Can somebody help me install correctly, even manually ?

like image 754
sk001 Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 16:07


2 Answers

In case somebody have the same problem, this can help. The problem is due to the composer file specifications. Just need to change :

"minimum-stability": "stable",

to :

"minimum-stability": "dev",

because yii2-jeasyui is not already stable.

like image 114
sk001 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


Working solution for composer.json:

"sheillendra/yii2-jeasyui": "@dev"

and if you install via console:

php composer.phar require sheillendra/yii2-jeasyui "@dev"
like image 2
demogorgorn Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10
