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How can I contribute to a third-party Symfony bundle?

I'm trying to add a missing feature to a bundle. Here is what I've done so far:

  • Spoke to the project owner and got their approval
  • Created a fork and cloned it locally into a directory outside of my project
  • Made a feature branch
  • Ran composer install

Now, the question is, how can I include this into my own Symfony project so that it would be autoloaded? I want to test my changes inside my own project before I send a pull request.

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Parham Doustdar Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 07:07

Parham Doustdar

2 Answers

See How to require a fork with composer, to be specific, require a VCS repository as described in Composer docs

Or a bit faster way for improving developing process (which is independent on Github), try using local repositories.

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Tomas Votruba Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11

Tomas Votruba

You can archive in two manner:

  1. You can hack the vendor folder replacing the folder of the bundle with a symlink of the third-party bundle
  2. [RECOMENDED] Put in the composer.json file of your project the reference of your personal github project instead of the official version
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Matteo Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11
