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Set the value of a <select> element in D3?



How can I set the value of a <select> element, using D3.js?

I'm trying this:

d3.select('#myselect').attr('value', 'France');

But it isn't working.

JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/06z9tnzs/

like image 673
Richard Avatar asked Mar 09 '15 00:03


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attr() function is used to set the attribute of the element that is selected. The name of the attribute and value of the attributes are to be set using this function.

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1 Answers

You need to use property instead of attr for setting the value.

d3.select('#myselect').property('value', 'France');

From the d3 docs:

Some HTML elements have special properties that are not addressable using standard attributes or styles. For example, form text fields have a value string property, and checkboxes have a checked boolean property. You can use the property operator to get or set these properties, or any other addressable field on the underlying element, such as className.


Albert's comments are also correct regarding your JSFiddle missing the d3.js reference and not specifying the id of "myselect" on the select element.

like image 174
David Anderson Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

David Anderson