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Sequences in Spark dataframe

I have dataframe in Spark. Looks like this:

|  value|     group|     ts|
|      A|         X|      1|
|      B|         X|      2|
|      B|         X|      3|
|      D|         X|      4|
|      E|         X|      5|
|      A|         Y|      1|
|      C|         Y|      2|

Endgoal: I'd like to find how many sequences A-B-E (a sequence is just a list of subsequent rows) there are. With the added constraint that subsequent parts of the sequence can be maximum n rows apart. Let's consider for this example that n is 2.

Consider group X. In this case there is exactly 1 D between B and E (multiple consecutive Bs are ignored). Which means B and E are 1 row apart and thus there is a sequence A-B-E

I have thought about using collect_list(), creating a string (like DNA) and using substring search with regex. But I was wondering if there's a more elegant distributed way, perhaps using window functions?


Note that the provided dataframe is just an example. The real dataframe (and thus groups) can be arbitrary long.

like image 611
Tim Avatar asked Oct 21 '16 13:10


1 Answers

Edited to answer @Tim's comment + fix patterns of the type "AABE"

Yep, using a window function helps, but I created an id to have an ordering:

val df = List(

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val w = Window.partitionBy('group).orderBy('id)

Then lag will collect what is needed, but a function is required to generate the Column expression (note the split to eliminate double counting of "AABE". WARNING: this rejects patterns of the type "ABAEXX"):

def createSeq(m:Int) = split(
    (1 to 2*m)
      .map(i => coalesce(lag('value,-i).over(w),lit("")))

val m=2
val tmp = df

| id|value|group| ts| seq|
|  6|    A|    Y|  1|   C|
|  7|    C|    Y|  2|    |
|  1|    A|    X|  1|BBDE|
|  2|    B|    X|  2| BDE|
|  3|    B|    X|  3|  DE|
|  4|    D|    X|  4|   E|
|  5|    E|    X|  5|    |

Because of the poor set of collection functions available in the Column API, avoiding regex altogether is much easier using a UDF

def patternInSeq(m: Int) = udf((str: String) => {
  var notFound = str
    .filter(_.indexOf("E") <= m)

val res = tmp
  .filter(('value === "A") && (locate("B",'seq) > 0))
  .filter(locate("B",'seq) <= m && (locate("E",'seq) > 1))

|    X|    1|

Generalisation (out of scope)

If you want to generalise it sequence of letter that are longer, the question has to be generalised. It could be trivial, but in this case a pattern of the type ("ABAE") should be rejected (see comments). So the easiest way to generalise is to have a pair-wise rule as in the following implementation (I added a group "Z" to illustrate the behaviour of this algo)

val df = List(
  ( 8,"A","Z",1),
  ( 9,"B","Z",2),

First we define the logic for a pair

import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def createSeq(m:Int) = array((0 to 2*m).map(i => coalesce(lag('value,-i).over(w),lit(""))):_*)
def filterPairUdf(m: Int, t: (String,String)) = udf((ar: Array[String]) => {
  val (a,b) = t
  val foundAt = ar
    .dropWhile(_ != a)
    .takeWhile(_ != a)
  foundAt != -1 && foundAt <= m

Then we define a function that applies this logic is applied iteratively on the dataframe

def filterSeq(seq: List[String], m: Int)(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
  var a = seq(0)
  seq.tail.foldLeft(df){(df: DataFrame, b: String) => {
    val res  = df.filter(filterPairUdf(m,(a,b))('seq))
    a = b

A simplification and optimisation is obtained because we first filter on sequence beginning with the first character

val m = 2
val tmp = df
  .filter('value === "A") // reduce problem

scala> tmp.show()
| id|value|group| ts|            seq|
|  6|    A|    Y|  1|   [A, C, , , ]|
|  8|    A|    Z|  1|[A, B, D, B, E]|
|  1|    A|    X|  1|[A, B, B, D, E]|

val res = tmp.transform(filterSeq(List("A","B","E"),m))

scala> res.show()
| id|value|group| ts|            seq|
|  1|    A|    X|  1|[A, B, B, D, E]|

(transform is a simple sugar-coating of DataFrame => DataFrame transformation)


|    X|    1|

As I said, there are different way to generalise the "resetting rules" when scanning a sequence,but this exemple hopefully helps in the implementation of more complex ones.

like image 173
Wilmerton Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
