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Does scala specification 2.10 and 2.11 exist?

I have visited scala official site so there is only one link to pdf specification. And this specification about scala 2.9. Is there documents for 2.10 and 2.11 scala versions? I mean full pdf's for each version?

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Cherry Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 05:08


1 Answers

No. (October 2014, that starts to change: Scala 2.11 spec)

Original answer (August 2014)

It is in the work though, as mentioned last February, just not "as pdf":

We are working on an updated spec, hopefully in markdown format so that contributions are made simpler.
A spec is IMO an essential thing and at the same time I realize it's not nearly in the state I would like it to be.
I do have a lot of hope that sometimes in the near future we can reach a point where the spec is more complete and it and the compiler are pretty much in agreement. But it will take work and time to get there.

  • Martin

(Martin = Martin Odersky, who designed the Scala programming language)

Jörg W Mittag adds in the comments:

Note however that some larger language changes have SIPs (Scala Improvement Process), which include a somewhat-formal specification. E.g.

  • SIP-13: Implicit Classes,
  • SIP-15: Value Classes,
  • SIP-18: Modularizing Language Features.

As mentioned in Langley's answer, Scala 2.11 has an html spec.

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VonC Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11
