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SEO - noindex, nofollow and canonical tag

I need some explanation about my question.

Example on my header already added

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

Should I add canonical tag again to my header?

<link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.example.com/product.php?item=big-fish” />

Let me know :)

canonical tag


we know canonical tag is currently also supported by google, yahoo and live search. How about noindex and nofollow? yahoo and live (bing) supported too?

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wow Avatar asked Jul 25 '09 04:07


People also ask

Do noindex pages need canonical?

Answer: No, you should not combine the noindex with a rel-canonical pointing at an indexable URL. I'd pick one, but not both. In 2009, John gave the same type of answer but more of a detailed response.

What are canonical or noindex tags?

The self-referencing canonical tells search engines that this is the only version of the page that exists. And the robots noindex tells search engines not to index it.

What is noindex nofollow in SEO?

Noindex: tells search engines not to include your page(s) in search results. A page must be crawlable for bots to see this signal. Disallow: tells search engines not to crawl your page(s). This does not guarantee that the page won't be indexed. Nofollow: tells search engines not to follow the links on your page.

What is difference between noindex and nofollow?

“noindex” suggests to search engines (most notably Google) not to index a specific webpage. “nofollow” suggests to search engines (most notably Google) not to pass link equity through links on a webpage.

1 Answers

Google, Yahoo!, and Bing (Live) support noindex and nofollow in the meta directives.

noindex tells the search engines to not bother caching your page for inclusion in their results.

nofollow tells them that you don't want any of the links on the page to be followed.

Adding the canonical tag on the same page won't hurt, but effects are unknown unless you talk with one of the search engineers.

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random Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
