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Good name for "URL-friendly title"?

I'm creating a dynamic website with articles. Each article has a title, like "How does one eat a dog and live with it?", but also something I'm now calling "URL Friendly Title", such as "eating-a-dog".

I'm looking for a better word for "URL Friendly Title", because it's quite a mouthful. Wordpress calls them "Post Slug" but I dislike that too much. What would be a good name for these things?

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Bart van Heukelom Avatar asked Apr 30 '09 10:04

Bart van Heukelom

2 Answers

I'm sorry to say that "slug" really does seem to be the standard term. Here is somewhat of an etymology on the term, it seems it comes from the (oldschool, print) news business.

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unwind Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 08:10


You could attempt to not give it a name and instead show how it would be used. So instead of having something like this:

Title              : _______
URL Friendly Title : _______

you could have

Title : _______
URL   : http://yourdomain.com/articles/______
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Bran Handley Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 08:10

Bran Handley