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ASP.NET MVC Routing / SEO Friendly URL

I'm trying to do something like stackoverflow

Take a link from stackoverflow for example:

Hidden Features of C#?

if you remove the last part (Hidden Features of C#?) it still returns the same result.

For my routing in Global.asax I tried doing something like "{action}/{id}/{title}"

On my page, this is my link:

<%= Html.ActionLink(video.Title, "Details", "Videos", new {id = video.ID, title = video.Title.Replace(" ", "-")}, null) %>

This does what I want it to do for the most part except that after the id it throws in "?title=blah-blah-blah"

I want it to say "id/blah-blah-blah"

What's my problem? (Besides being a noob)

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Muad'Dib Avatar asked Sep 01 '10 16:09


1 Answers

I wrote a blog post on this a while back and thought it might be helpful:


Basically you need to check in your action for the presence of the correct SEO-Friendly title when your action is executing, and if it doesn't find it, issue a redirect back to the browser to the correct SEO-Friendly URL.

like image 190
mynameiscoffey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
