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SelectOneRadio inside subtable ajax call not working

I'm using primefaces 3.4.1 and I'm trying to use a SelectOneRadio with an ajax call inside a subtable but it doesn't work, the ajax listener isn't called

<p:dataTable id="competenciesTable" var="competency" value="#{evaluationControl.currentEvaluation.evaluatedCompetencies}">
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <h:outputText value="#{gchmsg['global.competencies']}" />
                <p:subTable id="descriptorsTable" var="descriptor" value="#{competency.evaluationDescriptors}">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText class="strong" value="#{competency.competency.name}" />
                        <p:selectOneRadio required="true" styleClass="calification_scale" id="descriptorCalification" value="#{descriptor.calification}" converter="calification">  
                            <f:selectItems value="#{competency.competency.calificationSchema.scales}" var="scale" itemLabel="#{scale.qualitativeValue}" itemDescription="#{scale.description}" itemValue="#{scale}" />
                            <p:ajax process="@this" listener="#{evaluationControl.handleRadioChange}" update=":evaluationForm:finalResultText, descriptorCalificationMsg" />
                        <p:message id="descriptorCalificationMsg" for="descriptorCalification" display="icon" />

The evaluationControl is a SessionBean and the method is

public void handleRadioChange() {
    log.debug("Listener called");

Help is appreciated.

like image 695
cristhiank Avatar asked Jan 27 '13 19:01


1 Answers

After too many debugging and tests I finally found the issue, the primefaces Subtable component doesn't put back the values to the Backing Bean for itself you must process the whole DataTable component, so I had to remove the required="true"(to avoid validation errors) for each selectOneRadio and add the process="competenciesTable" to the p:ajax

like image 62
cristhiank Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
