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Select2 4 custom data adapter

I am trying to create a custom data adapter according to an example here: http://select2.github.io/announcements-4.0.html#query-to-data-adapter. How can I move the line that creates the select2 control outside the function with definition of DataAdapter (see the code below)?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="select2.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="select2.full.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            ['select2/data/array', 'select2/utils'],
            function (ArrayData, Utils) {
                function CustomData ($element, options) {
                    CustomData.__super__.constructor.call(this, $element, options);

                Utils.Extend(CustomData, ArrayData);

                CustomData.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
                    var data = {results: []};
                    data.results.push({id: params.term, text: params.term});
                    data.results.push({id: 11, text: 'aa'});
                    data.results.push({id: 22, text: 'bb'});

// Works if uncommented, but this line needs to be elsewhere (in $(document).ready()).
                //$("#my").select2({tags: true, dataAdapter: CustomData});

        $(document).ready(function() {
// This line does not work here.            
            $("#my").select2({tags: true, dataAdapter: CustomData});
    <select id="my"></select>
like image 586
PowerGamer Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 13:08


2 Answers

you define it via AMD-Pattern:

    function (ArrayAdapter, Utils) {

        function CustomDataAdapter ($element, options) {
            CustomDataAdapter.__super__.constructor.call(this, $element, options);
        Utils.Extend(CustomDataAdapter, ArrayAdapter);

        CustomDataAdapter.prototype.current = function (callback) {



        return CustomDataAdapter;

var customAdapter=$.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/data/customAdapter');

    tags: true, 
    dataAdapter: customAdapter
like image 84
gunthor Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 10:11


For anyone trying to extend select2, here is an example :

// Require the adapter you want to override
$.fn.select2.amd.require(["select2/data/select"], function (Select) {
    let CustomDataAdapter = Select;

    // Simple example, just override the function
    CustomDataAdapter.prototype.current = function (callback) {
        // Your own code

    // Example modifying data then calling the original function (which we need to keep)
    let originalSelect = CustomDataAdapter.prototype.select;
    CustomDataAdapter.prototype.select = function (data) {
        // Your own code
        // Call the original function while keeping 'this' context

    // Finally, use the custom data adapter
        dataAdapter: CustomDataAdapter

like image 22
ojathelonius Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 11:11
