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chart.js Line chart with different background colors for each section

Lets say I have a Line chart with mon-fri for 4 weeks. I want that these 4 weeks are diveded in sections. I want the first monday to friday have a white background color. The second monday to friday a gray background. The thirth a white bg again. And the fourth weeks with monday to friday to have a gray background color. What Im talking about is the background of the graph. Is there a way to do this?

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user3726562 Avatar asked Jul 06 '15 11:07


3 Answers

Chart.js clears the canvas before drawing (or redrawing) a chart.

We can jump in on this and draw our background once the chart is cleared. Just extend the Line chart and override the clear function in the initialize override.


enter image description here


    name: "LineAlt",
    initialize: function(data){
        Chart.types.Line.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

        // keep a reference to the original clear
        this.originalClear = this.clear;
        this.clear = function () {


            // 1 x scale unit
            var unitX = this.datasets[0].points[1].x - this.datasets[0].points[0].x;

            var yTop = this.scale.startPoint;
            var yHeight = this.scale.endPoint - this.scale.startPoint;

            // change your color here
            this.chart.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(100,100,100,0.8)';

            // we shift it by half a x scale unit to the left because the space between gridline is actually a shared space
            this.chart.ctx.fillRect(this.datasets[0].points[5].x - 0.5 * unitX, yTop, unitX * 5, yHeight);
            this.chart.ctx.fillRect(this.datasets[0].points[15].x - 0.5 * unitX, yTop, unitX * 5, yHeight);

Then just use LineAlt instead of Line

var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).LineAlt(data);

Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/oe2606ww/

like image 136
potatopeelings Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11


Some people here have requested something that works for later versions, here's my hacked together solution that works on ChartJS 2.7.2 (EDIT: Apr 2020: Also 2.9.3) and could probably be adapted. Chart.types.Line.extend used in the answer above, doesn't seem to be valid in v2.

graph with background relvant to x

I managed to figure this out with help from this thread to get the plugin code, and also found this thread useful for gathering co-ordinates of the data points.

With some work this fiddle should allow you to pass the label array keys as start/stop positions via the following code (where 0 and 1 are the keys):

var start = meta.data[0]._model.x;
var stop  = meta.data[1]._model.x;

You could loop this, along with the ctx.fillRect function to draw multiple rectangles.

Here's the working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/oe2606ww/436/

like image 26
v25 Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11


I combined @potatopeelings's and @v25's solutions for a chart.js v2 solution. It utilizes the format of @potatopeelings's solution, allowing to use an alternate chart type (LineAlt), and the updated implementation from @v25's solution.

Chart.controllers.LineAlt = Chart.controllers.line.extend({
    draw: function (ease) {
        if (this.chart.config.options.chartArea && this.chart.config.options.chartArea.backgroundColor) {
            var ctx = this.chart.chart.ctx;
            var chartArea = this.chart.chartArea;

            var meta = this.chart.getDatasetMeta(0);

            var start = meta.data[1]._model.x;
            var stop  = meta.data[2]._model.x;

            ctx.fillStyle = this.chart.config.options.chartArea.backgroundColor;
            ctx.fillRect(start, chartArea.top, stop - start, chartArea.bottom - chartArea.top);

        // Perform regular chart draw
        Chart.controllers.line.prototype.draw.call(this, ease);

Then you can use the custom chart type just as in @potatopeelings's solution:

var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx, {type: 'LineAlt', data: data});
like image 34
Mike Bogochow Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Mike Bogochow