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Select values from XML field in SQL Server 2008

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How do I select a value from XML in SQL?

You can do "select * from table", seems like you should be able to do "select xml. * from xml" without having to specify every single element you want.

How do I get data from XML format in SQL Server?

SQL Server lets you retrieve data as XML by supporting the FOR XML clause, which can be included as part of your query. You can use the FOR XML clause in the main (outer) query as well as in subqueries. The clause supports numerous options that let you define the format of the XML data.

How do I select a specific XML node in SQL Server?

You should use the query() Method if you want to get a part of your XML. If you want the value from a specific node you should use value() Method. Update: If you want to shred your XML to multiple rows you use nodes() Method.

How do I query XML data?

Querying in an XQuery context If your query invokes an XQuery expression directly, you must prefix it with the case-insensitive keyword XQUERY. To retrieve all of the XML documents previously inserted into the INFO column, you can use XQuery with either db2-fn:xmlcolumn or db2-fn:sqlquery.

Given that the XML field is named 'xmlField'...

[xmlField].value('(/person//firstName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName,
[xmlField].value('(/person//lastName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM [myTable]

Considering that XML data comes from a table 'table' and is stored in a column 'field': use the XML methods, extract values with xml.value(), project nodes with xml.nodes(), use CROSS APPLY to join:

    p.value('(./firstName)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') AS firstName,
    p.value('(./lastName)[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)') AS lastName
FROM table 
    CROSS APPLY field.nodes('/person') t(p)

You can ditch the nodes() and cross apply if each field contains exactly one element 'person'. If the XML is a variable you select FROM @variable.nodes(...) and you don't need the cross apply.

This post was helpful to solve my problem which has a little different XML format... my XML contains a list of keys like the following example and I store the XML in the SourceKeys column in a table named DeleteBatch:


Create the table and populate it with some data:

CREATE TABLE dbo.DeleteBatch (
    ExecutionKey INT PRIMARY KEY,
    SourceKeys XML)

INSERT INTO dbo.DeleteBatch ( ExecutionKey, SourceKeys )
    (CAST('<k>1</k><k>2</k><k>3</k>' AS XML))

INSERT INTO dbo.DeleteBatch ( ExecutionKey, SourceKeys )
    (CAST('<k>100</k><k>101</k>' AS XML))

Here's my SQL to select the keys from the XML:

SELECT ExecutionKey, p.value('.', 'int') AS [Key]
FROM dbo.DeleteBatch
    CROSS APPLY SourceKeys.nodes('/k') t(p)

Here's the query results...

ExecutionKey    Key
1   1
1   2
1   3
2   100
2   101

This may answer your question:

select cast(xmlField as xml) xmlField into tmp from (
select '<person><firstName>Jon</firstName><lastName>Johnson</lastName></person>' xmlField
union select '<person><firstName>Kathy</firstName><lastName>Carter</lastName></person>'
union select '<person><firstName>Bob</firstName><lastName>Burns</lastName></person>'
) tb

    xmlField.value('(person/firstName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName
    ,xmlField.value('(person/lastName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM tmp

drop table tmp

Blimey. This was a really useful thread to discover.

I still found some of these suggestions confusing. Whenever I used value with [1] in the string, it would only retrieved the first value. And some suggestions recommended using cross apply which (in my tests) just brought back far too much data.

So, here's my simple example of how you'd create an xml object, then read out its values into a table.

DECLARE @str nvarchar(2000)

SET @str = ''
SET @str = @str + '<users>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Mike</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Gledhill</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>31</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Mark</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Stevens</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>42</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '  <user>'
SET @str = @str + '     <firstName>Sarah</firstName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <lastName>Brown</lastName>'
SET @str = @str + '     <age>23</age>'
SET @str = @str + '  </user>'
SET @str = @str + '</users>'

DECLARE @xml xml

--  Iterate through each of the "users\user" records in our XML
    x.Rec.query('./firstName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'FirstName',
    x.Rec.query('./lastName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'LastName',
    x.Rec.query('./age').value('.', 'int') AS 'Age'
FROM @xml.nodes('/users/user') as x(Rec)

And here's the output:

enter image description here

It's bizarre syntax, but with a decent example, it's easy enough to add to your own SQL Server functions.

Speaking of which, here's the correct answer to this question.

Assuming your have your xml data in an @xml variable of type xml (as demonstrated in my example above), here's how you would return the three rows of data from the xml quoted in the question:

    x.Rec.query('./firstName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'FirstName',
    x.Rec.query('./lastName').value('.', 'nvarchar(2000)') AS 'LastName'
FROM @xml.nodes('/person') as x(Rec)

enter image description here

cast(xmlField as xml).value('(/person//firstName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName,
cast(xmlField as xml).value('(/person//lastName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM [myTable]