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select from values in mysql

People also ask

How do I select between values in MySQL?

The MySQL BETWEEN OperatorThe BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers, text, or dates. The BETWEEN operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included.

How do I select specific in MySQL?

If you want to select only specific columns, replace the * with the names of the columns, separated by commas. The following statement selects just the name_id, firstname and lastname fields from the master_name table.

What are values in MySQL?

VALUES is a DML statement introduced in MySQL 8.0. 19 which returns a set of one or more rows as a table. In other words, it is a table value constructor which also functions as a standalone SQL statement.

Why is select * used in MySQL?

The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database. The data returned is stored in a result table, called the result-set.

From the link you provided :

VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three');
This will return a table of two columns and three rows. It's effectively equivalent to:
SELECT 1 AS column1, 'one' AS column2
SELECT 2, 'two'
SELECT 3, 'three';

So you need

select * from 
   SELECT 1 AS val
   SELECT 3 

In MySQL 8.0.19, this syntax is supported. please refer to this official link

mysql> VALUES ROW(1,-2,3), ROW(5,7,9), ROW(4,6,8);
| column_0 | column_1 | column_2 |
|        1 |       -2 |        3 |
|        5 |        7 |        9 |
|        4 |        6 |        8 |

This is another way to get around the lack of WITH support in MySQL:

create temporary table tmp (c int);

insert into tmp (c)
values (1), (2), (3);

select * from tmp;