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Equivalent of Oracle’s RowID in MySQL




is there an equivalent of oracle's rowid in mysql?

delete from my_table where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from my_table group by field1,field2)

I want to make a mysql equivalent of this query!!!

What i'm trying to do is, : The my_table has no primary key.. i'm trying to delete the duplicate values and impose a primary key (composite of field1, field2)..!!

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raj Avatar asked Apr 28 '10 09:04


People also ask

What is the equivalent of Rowid in MySQL?

ROWID is a pseudocolumn that uniquely defines a single row in a database table. The term pseudocolumn is used because you can refer to ROWID in the WHERE clauses of a query as you would refer to a column stored in your database; the difference is you cannot insert, update, or delete ROWID values.

Can we use Rowid in MySQL?

No, MySQL doesn't expose a ROWID type like Oracle does.

How do I find the row ID in MySQL?

MySQL ROW_NUMBER() Function. The ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL is used to returns the sequential number for each row within its partition. It is a kind of window function. The row number starts from 1 to the number of rows present in the partition.

2 Answers

In MySql you usually use session variables to achive the functionality:

SELECT @rowid:=@rowid+1 as rowid FROM table1, (SELECT @rowid:=0) as init ORDER BY sorter_field 

But you can not make sorts on the table you are trying to delete from in subqueries.

UPD: that is you will need to create a temp table, insert the ranging subquery to the temp table and delete from the original table by joining with the temporary table (you will need some unique row identifier):

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE duplicates ...  INSERT INTO duplicates (rowid, field1, field2, some_row_uid) SELECT   @rowid:=IF(@f1=field1 AND @f2=field2, @rowid+1, 0) as rowid,   @f1:=field1 as field1,   @f2:=field2 as field2,   some_row_uid FROM testruns t, (SELECT @rowid:=NULL, @f1:=NULL, @f2:=NULL) as init ORDER BY field1, field2 DESC;  DELETE FROM my_table USING my_table JOIN duplicates   ON my_table.some_row_uid = duplicates.some_row_uid AND duplicates.rowid > 0 

Since that is one time operation, this should not bring too much overhead.

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newtover Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


Maybe, I am misreading the question but your query (even in Oracle) doesn't accomplish your desired goal:

delete from my_table where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from  my_table group by field1,field2) 

MySQL equivalent is

SELECT @rowid:=max(rowid) from my_table; DELETE FROM my_table where rowid != @rowid; 

This will wipe out all rows except for last one.

To perform one time cleanup (removing duplicate records) of your data you can do this:

CREATE TABLE my_table2 SELECT distinct f1, f2, f3, etc from my_table; DROP TABLE my_table; ALTER TABLE my_table2 RENAME my_table; 

Then add whatever columns & keys necessary by ALTER TABLE. Above code might require to drop any foreign keys you might have.

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Alexey Gerasimov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Alexey Gerasimov