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How to catch and re-throw all errors in MySQL

I can't seem to find anywhere how to catch and re-throw any errors or warnings that can occur in a procedure.

What I want is the syntax to do the following:

create procedure myProcedure()   begin        declare exit handler for ANYTHING_WRONG_THAT_CAN_BE_CAUGHT_WARNINGS_INCLUDED       begin           rollback;           RE_THROW THE_THING_THAT_WAS_CAUGHT;       end;        start transaction;          -- do some stuff       commit;   end; // 

The reason being that I want to force a rollback on an error or warning but leave it up to the client to decide what to do with the specific error.

The all-cap areas are the portions where I do not know what to put.

Thanks for any help!

Edit -------

I have since learned it is not possible to do what I have asked :'(.

Instead I have a single error for anything that goes wrong and used the following code:

declare exit handler for sqlwarning, sqlexception begin     rollback;     call error(); end; 

(error() does not exist)

like image 554
nikdeapen Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 23:10


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1 Answers

To catch all SQL exceptions, use:


SQLWARNINGS can be used to catch warnings also.

Inside the exception handler, to raise the error or warning that was just caught, use:


See the documentation for the RESIGNAL statement:


This is available since MySQL 5.5

like image 190
Marc Alff Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Marc Alff