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Select an element from a stream with uniform distributed probability

Give you:

  1. A stream (end of the stream is EOF)
  2. A function next() to get the next element in the stream and advance the pointer in the stream
  3. A random generator generating floats between 0 and 1 (inclusively) uniformly


  • An element that is proven to be randomly (uniformly distributed) chosen

You can one or two variables.

You are not allowed to use array / list, and you cannot tell the way that trying to get all elements out and store them all and then pick.

This is an interview question.

My thinking is:

  1. I use a var cur to store most recent kept element
  2. So, if i get a new element, I generate a random 0 or 1 using generator, if it is 0 then cur = new element; otherwise, continue;
  3. If I get EOF, then return cur

Is my thinking correct? How to prove?

Here is a same question

How would you pick a uniform random element in linked list with unknown length?

like image 397
Jackson Tale Avatar asked Apr 28 '14 22:04

Jackson Tale

1 Answers

Let the current element's index be i.

Choose to 'remember' the current element at probability 1/i. When EOF is reached, produced the element you remember.

At the end, for each element with index i there is a probability to be chosen:

enter image description here

A formal prove can be done using induction, following these guidelines.

like image 108
amit Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
