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Are there O(1) random access data structures that don't rely on contiguous storage?

The classic O(1) random access data structure is the array. But an array relies on the programming language being used supporting guaranteed continuous memory allocation (since the array relies on being able to take a simple offset of the base to find any element).

This means that the language must have semantics regarding whether or not memory is continuous, rather than leaving this as an implementation detail. Thus it could be desirable to have a data structure that has O(1) random access, yet doesn't rely on continuous storage.

Is there such a thing?

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Joseph Garvin Avatar asked Jan 18 '09 19:01

Joseph Garvin

People also ask

Which data structure does not require contiguous memory locations?

An array is an example of a contiguous structure. Since each element in the array is located next to one or two other elements. In contrast, items in a non-contiguous structure and scattered in memory, but we linked to each other in some way. A linked list is an example of a non- contiguous data structure.

In which data structure random access is not possible?

Random access of elements at a linked list is not possible.

Which data structure is best for random access?

An array is a random access data structure, where each element can be accessed directly and in constant time.

Is linked list non-contiguous?

Contrary to this, linked list nodes are non-contiguous in memory. It means that we need some mechanism to traverse or access linked list nodes. To achieve this, each node stores the location of the next node and this forms the basis of the link from one node to the next node. Therefore, it's called a Linked list.

2 Answers

How about a trie where the length of keys is limited to some contant K (for example, 4 bytes so you can use 32-bit integers as indices). Then lookup time will be O(K), i.e. O(1) with non-contiguous memory. Seems reasonable to me.

Recalling our complexity classes, don't forget that every big-O has a constant factor, i.e. O(n) + C, This approach will certainly have a much larger C than a real array.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, it's O(K*A) where A is the size of the "alphabet". Each node has to have a list of up to A child nodes, which will have to be a linked list keep the implementation non-contiguous. But A is still constant, so it's still O(1).

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Dave Ray Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Dave Ray

In practice, for small datasets using contiguous storage is not a problem, and for large datasets O(log(n)) is just as good as O(1); the constant factor is rather more important.

In fact, For REALLY large datasets, O(root3(n)) random access is the best you can get in a 3-dimensional physical universe.

Edit: Assuming log10 and the O(log(n)) algorithm being twice as fast as the O(1) one at a million elements, it will take a trillion elements for them to become even, and a quintillion for the O(1) algorithm to become twice as fast - rather more than even the biggest databases on earth have.

All current and foreseeable storage technologies require a certain physical space (let's call it v) to store each element of data. In a 3-dimensional universe, this means for n elements there is a minimum distance of root3(n*v*3/4/pi) between at least some of the elements and the place that does the lookup, because that's the radius of a sphere of volume n*v. And then, the speed of light gives a physical lower boundary of root3(n*v*3/4/pi)/c for the access time to those elements - and that's O(root3(n)), no matter what fancy algorithm you use.

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Michael Borgwardt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Michael Borgwardt