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Computing mid in Interpolation Search?

I came to know that Interpolation Search is a modification of Binary Search where in binary search the input is divided into two equal halves in each iteration by computing

mid = (low + high) / 2

and in Interpolation search the mid is computed as

mid = low + (key - arr[low]) * ((high - low) / (arr[high] - arr[low]))

Now I need to understand this formula of calculating mid in interpolation search.

Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpolation_search#Sample_implementation

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Antara Roy Avatar asked Sep 01 '15 11:09

Antara Roy

People also ask

What is the formula in calculating the mid value in interpolation search?

Interpolation search uses the following formula to calculate the mid-position where A[low…high] is our search space, and target is the given target: mid = low + ((target – A[low]) * (high – low) / (A[high] – A[low])); Following is the C, Java, and Python implementation of interpolation search.

How do you do interpolation search?

The interpolation search algorithm improves the binary search algorithm. The formula for finding a value is: K = data-low/high-low. K is a constant which is used to narrow the search space. In the case of binary search, the value for this constant is: K=(low+high)/2.

What is the best case for interpolation search?

The best case for Interpolation Search happens when the middle (our approximation) is the desired key. This makes the best case time complexity is O(1). In the worst-case scenario, we will need to traverse all of the elements in the array, resulting in the O(n) time complexity.

1 Answers

You can think of array arr as a function f that acts on index and return a value, which is monotone (because array is sorted). So you have your initial data f(low) = m and f(high) = M. Now you can interpolate your function f with a straight line, which is quite reasonable to do because your f is monotone and you have only 2 points. So your interpolation should be line (linear function) that pass throw points (low, m) and (high, M). This is it's equation

(y - f(low))/(f(high) - f(low)) = (x - low)/(high - low)

So y here is the element of search space and x is from domain (x is index of array). So if your function f would be the same as it's interpolation, then index of your key would be:

x = low + (high - low)*(key - f(low))/(f(high) - f(low))

So, assuming that your function f is close to it's interpolation, you should just check the value f at x to see if it is the goal. Otherwise you just shrink your interpolation interval.

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JustAnotherCurious Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
